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Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd.

Awards and Rankings

Ratiolex has been ranked in the Legal 500 EMEA 2013-2024 editions as one of the top tier law firms in the field of dispute resolution in Finland.

Legal 500 EMEA 2023 (Dispute Resolution): “Boutique law firm Ratiolex has first-class international arbitration capabilities, and it has a knowledgeable, hardworking quality team who are able to work within tight time-frames according to the client’s urgent needs.

Legal 500 EMEA 2022 (Dispute Resolution): “The quality of work and advocate skills are just superb. Ratiolex is a very competent boutique law firm in arbitration and litigation proceedings.

Finnish financial magazine Kauppalehti has ranked Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd. the most successful law office in Finland in 2012, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2021 based on Balance Consulting’s analysis of the financial statements.

International Comparative Legal Guides: International Arbitration 2024

This article appeared in International Comparative Legal Guides: International Arbitration 2024, published by Global Legal Group on 13 September 2024. See the Finnish chapter by Timo Ylikantola and Tiina Ruohonen.

Specialising in solving international and domestic business law and dispute resolution issues

Our office’s core values are high quality and work ethics towards all our assignments.

Our office has represented its corporate clients successfully in dispute resolution assignments before courts and arbitral tribunals and different domestic and international contractual and corporate arrangements as well as insolvency proceedings.

The assignments of Ratiolex mainly consist of serving domestic SMEs, family, growing and international companies in commercial and corporate matters, both in Finland and abroad.

Our office belongs to the Finnish Bar Association.

We comply with the rules and regulations of the Finnish Bar Association governing legal ethics and conduct.


• Ratiolex successfully represented the claimant and counterclaim’s respondent, Finland’s largest company providing subcontracting services to photographic companies, in arbitration proceedings under the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI) regarding contractual disputes and the IT2022 YSE terms and conditions, 11/2024-1/2025: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client when the opponent party paid an amicable compensation of MEUR 0,34 to our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish aircraft and helicopter maintenance company on the administrative process related to the maintenance of a foreign helicopter, 1/2025-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the respondent, a Finnish company belonging to one of the world’s largest international restaurant franchising chains, in a dispute concerning the termination of an employment contract before the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2023-1/2025: the District Court of Helsinki’s judgment on 20 January 2025, whereby the claimant’s claims were dismissed and the claimant was ordered to pay our client’s legal costs.

• Ratiolex’s partner acted as a sole arbitrator in an arbitration proceeding under SCC’s Expedited Arbitration Rules concerning a service contract and a guarantee between Swedish company and Norwegian and Swedish companies, the seat of arbitration was Stockholm, Sweden and the applicable law was Swedish law, 10/2024-12/2024.

• Ratiolex represents the claimant, Finland’s largest company providing subcontracting services to photographic companies, in arbitration proceedings under the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI) regarding contractual disputes and the IT2022 YSE terms and conditions, 11/2024-.

• Ratiolex advises a foreign state in multi-billion euros investment arbitration case relating to an investment treaty, 11/2024-.

• Ratiolex advises Spain’s largest Ferrari dealership company on two disputes and related legal opinions relating to two different contracts worth more than MEUR 2.0 million in Finland, Estonia and Spain, 11/2024-.

• Ratiolex advises Finnish and Lithuanian subsidiaries of a foreign listed energy company in connection with a foreign litigation concerning the legal effects in Finland, 11/2024-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish family-owned company engaged in international business activities in arbitration proceedings in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Limited Liability Companies Act concerning the right to squeeze-out and the redemption price of minority shareholders’ shares, 10/2024-.

• Ratiolex advises a foreign investor in multi-billion euros investment arbitration against a state under an investment treaty, 10/2024-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a parent company and a subsidiary of a construction group as respondents in recovery proceedings initiated by their affiliated and subsidiary companies’ bankruptcy estates regarding claims of MEUR 0.46 and 0.31 MEUR in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 1/2022-10/2024: the matters were closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients so that 80% of the bankruptcy estates’ claims were not amicably paid.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish and a Swiss company in a supply contract dispute relating to Saudi Arabia, 9/2024-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented holding companies as owners of a bankrupt construction company in the bankruptcy estate’s recovery claim, 7/2024-9/2024: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a journalist of Helsingin Sanomat in significant criminal proceedings of a precedent nature in the Helsinki Court of Appeal concerning an alleged disclosure of a national secret and its attempt, 8/2024-.

• Ratiolex represents an Estonian entrepreneur and the person in charge of several Estonian companies in an international investment loan agreement related suspected financial crime case and in defending against a related MEUR 2.1 claim in the Helsinki Court of Appeal, 8/2024-.

• Ratiolex advises a Nordic group of companies on employment and corporate law aspects of an M&A transaction in Finland, 7/2024-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish medical network in updating a shareholders’ agreement, 6/2024-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the board members of a Finnish company declared bankrupt in white collar criminal proceedings which concerned an aggravated dishonesty of debtor, an aggravated accounting offence, and a prohibition on pursuing a business in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2024-6/2024: the District Court’s judgment on 3 June 2024, whereby our clients’ rebuttal claims were accepted in full, the prosecutor’s charges and plaintiffs’ claims were dismissed and our clients’ legal fees were ordered to be paid by the state.

• Ratiolex represents one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in a contractual dispute against a Swedish artist agency, 5/2024-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a real estate agency chain’s management company and its holding company in claim for damages of 1.8 MEUR for an alleged breach of contracts concerning a joint venture company, 10/2023-5/2024: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients as our clients’ opponent parties waived all their claims for damages against our clients and paid an exit compensation for the shares of the joint venture company to our clients.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company as a claimant and a project management contractor in over 1 MEUR ad hoc arbitration proceedings based on a project management contract, where the General conditions for building contracts YSE 1998 are applied, 4/2024-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in a contractual dispute, 11/2022-4/2024: our client’s opponent party dropped all claims against our client.

• Ratiolex represents a defendant in an alleged aggravated tax fraud and an alleged aggravated accounting offence in connection with an international M&A arrangement, 4/2024-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company as a respondent in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2023-3/2024: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents the appellant’s opponent party in an international M&A arrangement related dispute in the Court of Appeal of Helsinki, in which case the District Court of Helsinki previously dismissed the appellant’s grounds for an action in November 2023 with an interim judgment, 3/2024-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company as a claimant in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 2/2024-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an Uzbek private airline company as an appellant in EU sanctions related administrative proceedings in the Helsinki Administrative Court, 1/2024-2/2024: supervising state authority removed all flight restrictions after submission of our client’s appeal.

• Ratiolex represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in a contractual liability clarification matter, 2/2024.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a construction company as a respondent in precautionary measures proceedings relating to a building contract dispute in the Helsinki District Court, 1/2024: the precautionary measures matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client and the applicant withdrew its precautionary measures application.

• Ratiolex represents the appellant in administrative proceedings relating to import taxation in the Helsinki Administrative Court, 1/2024-.

• Ratiolex represents a prominent Finnish family office as a buyer in a share purchase related post M&A liability dispute, 1/2024-.

• Ratiolex represents an owner of a Swiss company as a defendant in a white-collar criminal investigation concerning a suspected aggravated tax fraud assessing the taxation of a Swiss company and Swiss law, 12/2023-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company on analysis relating to public procurement tender process and competition law, 12/2023.

• Ratiolex advises a foreign corporation as a respondent in 1.7 billion Euros parent company guarantee dispute relating to a major energy project which is conducted under the ICC arbitration rules in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal wherein the applicable law is Finnish law and the seat of arbitration is Stockholm, Sweden, 11/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a supervisory case concerning legalized business in the Hämeenlinna Administrative Court, 11/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a foreign appellant in internationally related administrative proceedings concerning validity of visas and licensing documents in the Helsinki Administrative Court, 8/2023-11/2023: the Helsinki Administrative Court’s decision on 8 November 2023 whereby our client’s appeal was accepted.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate investor as the respondent in 0.8 MEUR damages dispute initiated by the client, wherein the contractor acts as an intervening party on our client’s side, in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish limited liability company as the respondent and counterclaimant in a dispute regarding the alleged employment or commission relationship and the related compensation claims in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish real estate agency, which is part of one of the world’s largest real estate brokerage chains, in a supervisory case concerning the real estate brokerage industry in the Hämeenlinna Administrative Court, 11/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in 6 MEUR claim and 0.5 MEUR precautionary measures proceedings relating to an international M&A arrangement in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2021-11/2023: the District Court’s judgment on 3 November 2023, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims relating to the grounds of the claim were accepted, the claim was dismissed and further proceedings regarding the amounts of the claims were cancelled as well as our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay the legal costs of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a director of an international logistics company in suspected white collar criminal proceedings related to its client’s bankruptcy proceedings, 10/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate agency chain’s management company and its holding company in an alleged breach of contracts related claim for damages of 1.8 MEUR, 10/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in white collar criminal proceedings concerning the alleged gross customs clearance crime relating to a maintenance work of a foreign registered helicopter (AgustaWestland AW139) in criminal investigations as of June 2019 and in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 6/2022-10/2023: the District Court’s judgment on 13 October 2023 (final and binding), whereby our client’s denial claims were accepted in full, the prosecutor’s charges and the plaintiff Finnish Custom’s claims were dismissed and the Finnish state was ordered to pay our client’s legal fees of EUR 85,323.81 (VAT 0%).

• Ratiolex successfully represented a foreign respondent in cross-border related white-collar criminal proceedings in the District Court of Kymenlaakso, 8/2023-9/2023: the prosecutor withdrew the charges against our client after our client’s written response and submitted written evidence and called witnesses and Finnish State was ordered to pay our client’s legal fees.

• Ratiolex successfully represented subsidiary companies of a Dutch public company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in regulatory decision related administrative proceedings in the Helsinki Administrative Court, 8/2023-9/2023: after our clients’ administrative appeals, the authority that had made the decision subject to appeals withdrew the decision.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading Finnish bakery sector companies in a supply contract negotiation, 9/2023-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction company in a dispute relating to an excavation work executed in Sweden where applicable provisions are Swedish AB-04 general conditions of building contracts, 9/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an association of parishes of the biggest religious group in Finland as a respondent in an economic loss damage related dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2023-8/2023: the District Court’s judgment on 31 August 2023, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay the legal costs of our client in full.

• Ratiolex advises a foreign corporation as a respondent in MEUR 800 guarantee dispute in arbitration proceedings under the ICC Arbitration Rules conducted in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal wherein the applicable law is Finnish law and the seat of arbitration is Geneva, Switzerland, 8/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company as a respondent in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a foreign appellant in administrative proceedings concerning validity of several states’ visas and licensing documentation in the Helsinki Administrative Court, 8/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents an international logistics company in a taxation related administrative proceedings in the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, 7/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish transport company in a subcontract related dispute, 7/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a managing director of a Finnish subsidiary company of an international logistics company in a taxation related administrative proceedings in the Helsinki Administrative Court, 12/2020-6/2023: Finnish Tax Administration’s ruling was dismissed according to our client’s appeal and our client’s legal fees were mainly ordered to be paid by Finnish Tax Administration.

• Ratiolex represents a minority shareholder in arbitration proceedings in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Limited Liability Companies Act concerning the right to squeeze-out and the redemption price, 6/2023-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading Finnish bakery sector companies in a trademark infringement case, 6/2023: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish family-owned company as an employer in employment termination dispute, 6/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a financial management and consultancy company in a claim for damages of 7.2 MEUR concerning a breach of co-operation agreement, 5/2023-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading global mining and metal industry corporations in 2.7 MEUR guarantee call dispute against a Scandinavian bank, 5/2023-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish limited liability company which operated in software industry, 2/2023–5/2023.

• Ratiolex advises a real estate maintenance company in a share purchase M&A arrangement, 5/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents an association of parishes of the biggest religious group in Finland as a respondent in an economic loss damage related dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a photography business limited liability company in claim for damages in a contract termination dispute concerning schools’ photography against city located in Ostrobothnia Finland, 4/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company as a respondent and a counterclaimant in 1.5 MEUR supply and project agreements disputes relating to several construction projects with a house-builder provider in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2023-.

• Ratiolex acts as a counsel in over billion Euros dispute under EPC (Engineering, procurement, and construction) contract relating to a major energy project in the Nordic region in the ICC arbitration proceedings conducted in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal wherein the applicable law is Finnish law, and the seat of arbitration is Stockholm, Sweden, 3/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish cleaning company as an employer and a respondent in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2021-3/2023: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client when the employee as the claimant cancelled all her claims against our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish company specializing in aircraft operation and maintenance in a compliance proceeding with a foreign financial institution, 3/2023-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading Finnish real estate agency companies in the Regional State Administrative Agency’s supervision proceedings relating to concept’s business arrangements, 2/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a limited liability company and its majority shareholders as the respondents in the company law related dispute regarding the limited liability company’s meeting practices and ordering the company into liquidation in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a restaurant business company as a respondent in a dispute regarding termination of the employment agreement in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2023-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the Finnish leading construction consultancy companies in a liability matter concerning the construction project, 2/2023-.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant in significant criminal proceedings of a precedent nature in the District Court of Helsinki concerning an alleged disclosure of a national secret and its attempt, 10/2021-1/2023: the District Court’s judgment on 27 January 2023 (not final), whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full relating to an attempted disclosure of a national secret and the charge was dismissed and the prosecutor’s charge relating to disclosure of a national secret concerning some alleged confidential information was decided as groundless.

• Ratiolex advises a German insurance broker and an international insurance company in liability insurance review under the Finnish law, 1/2023-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a construction company as a respondent in precautionary measures and litigation proceedings relating to a sale of real estate in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2021-1/2023: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client so that 80% of the claimants’ claims were not amicably paid.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in supply and project agreement disputes relating to a construction project, 1/2023-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel for a Finnish construction company in rendering legal opinions and executing enforcement measures relating to its subsidiary’s insolvency proceedings, 1/2023-.

• Ratiolex represents a state-owned corporation’s Finnish subsidiary company as a claimant in objection claim proceedings under the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2022-.

• Ratiolex advised the sellers of a software company in 4 MEUR share purchase M&A arrangement, 6/2022-12/2022.

• Ratiolex advised a prominent Finnish family office as a buyer in 6 MEUR share purchase, 12/2022.

• Ratiolex acted successfully as a co-counsel for a claimant in over billion Euros dispute relating to the EPC Contract in ICC DBR proceedings conducted in English with three (3) members’ tribunal wherein the applicable law was Finnish law and the hearings were conducted in Paris, 4/2022–12/2022: the Dispute Review Board’s recommendation on 12 December 2022 whereby our client’s claims were mainly accepted.

• Ratiolex successfully advised a Swiss company and a Finnish family office in international investment call demands relating to the liabilities of the UK and the BVI companies, 6/2022–12/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client as our clients’ opponent parties were obliged to pay MEUR 4.2 payments and MEUR 1 loan and related interest of MEUR 0.1 and securities.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 12/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish company as a claimant in arbitration proceedings under the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI) regarding an asset purchase dispute, 11/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a foreign company in enforcement proceedings regarding a foreign arbitration award against a Finnish association, 11/2022-.

• Ratiolex successfully advised an Estonian company as a respondent in an Investor Loan Agreement dispute in an arbitration proceeding under the Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) conducted in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal wherein the applicable law was Estonian law and the seat of arbitration was Stockholm, Sweden, 11/2021–11/2022: arbitral award was rendered on 16 November 2022 wherein our client’s claims were accepted and our client’s opponent party’s MEUR 4.1 claims were dismissed in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay the arbitrator’s and arbitration institute’s fees and costs.

• Ratiolex represents an international logistics company in over million EUR contractual dispute concerning sea transport ordered from India to Egypt wherein our client’s opponent party is a Finnish listed company, 11/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in a contractual dispute, 11/2022-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish company specializing in aircraft operation and maintenance in EU sanctions related interim freezing order matter concerning a private jet sold to Bahrain, 10/2022-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an international logistics company registered in Lithuania in a matter concerning a suspected aggravated regulation offence related to EU sanctions wherein our client’s transport vehicle with cargo was released and the prosecutor decided not to bring charges against our client, 10/2022.

• Ratiolex advises a Belgian-Swiss businessman in EU sanctions related enforcement appeal procedure concerning a yacht in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 10/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a seller as an ex-owner of seven (7) franchise locations of an international franchising chain in an asset transfer agreement interpretation disagreement matter, 10/2022-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish record and music industry limited liability company as a claimant in a share redemption and sale back dispute relating to Investment Agreement in the District Court regarding precautionary measures and regarding merits of case in an arbitration proceeding under the Rules for Expedited Arbitration of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI), 4/2022-9/2022: arbitral award was rendered on 29 September 2022 wherein our client’s claims were accepted in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay our client’s legal fees as well as the arbitrator’s and arbitration institute’s fees and costs in full.

• Ratiolex represents a transport company as a respondent in a dispute regarding cancelling the employment agreement during a trial period in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 9/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents an Estonian entrepreneur and board member of several Estonian companies as a defendant in a suspected large scale white-collar criminal proceeding and defending against MEUR 2.1 claims in the District Court of Helsinki related to Nuorisosäätiö, 9/2022-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transport company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 5/2021-9/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading golf business provider companies in Finland in corporate and employment related cases, 9/2022-.

Ratiolex advises a Finnish steel service and real estate businesses corporation in an arrangement concerning employment and corporate arrangements, 9/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a logistics company as an employer in a dispute regarding terminating the employment agreement, 8/2022-.

• Ratiolex advises a developer as a client in a contractual arrangement related to the implementation of a 100 MEUR construction project and in drafting of a project planning agreement with a Swiss company, 8/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a transport company as an employer in a dispute regarding cancelling the employment agreement during a trial period, 8/2022-.

• Ratiolex acts as a counsel for a foreign corporation as a claimant in over billion Euros Facility Agreement dispute relating to an energy project under ICC Arbitration Rules conducted in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal wherein the applicable law is English law and the seat of arbitration is Geneva, Switzerland, 8/2022-.

• Ratiolex’s partner acts as a special auditor nominated by the regional state administrative agency under Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act Chapter 7, Section 7 regarding a Finnish energy company, 7/2022-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish franchisor belonging in an international franchise chain in a dispute regarding breach of the franchise agreement’s non-competition clause, 1/2022-7/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a former Italian board member of a Finnish company in a suspected large scale white-collar criminal proceeding related to so called Airiston Helmi, 11/2021-6/2022: the prosecutor decided not to bring charges against our client regarding all suspected aggravated crimes.

• Ratiolex represents a well-known internationally recognized actor as a claimant in a dispute regarding unauthorized use of his name, voice, and photo in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate investor company as a respondent and counterclaimant in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2022-.

• Ratiolex advises a state-owned energy corporation in 13 MEUR post-M&A matter, 5/2022-.

• Ratiolex advised Finnish building and HVAC companies in international million Euros M&A and reinvestment arrangements, 1/2022-5/2022.

• Ratiolex advises a state owned corporation in a multibillion Euros Shareholders’ Agreement dispute relating to a major energy project in the Nordic region in the ICC arbitration conducted in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal wherein the applicable law is Finnish law and the seat of arbitration is Stockholm, Sweden, 5/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish container company as a respondent in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 5/2022-.

• Ratiolex’s partner acted as an arbitrator in the FAI arbitration proceeding on a shareholders’ agreement and a share purchase agreement dispute, 7/2021-4/2022.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the leading Finnish bakery sector companies as a respondent in an arbitration proceeding under the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI) regarding industrial property contract dispute, 5/2021-3/2022: the arbitral award was rendered on 31 March 2022 wherein 90% of the amount of our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and 24 out of 28 items of the opponent party’s claim were dismissed. The opponent party was obliged to pay 90% of our client’s legal fees as well as 90% of arbitrator’s and arbitration institute’s fees and costs.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company as a respondent in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 12/2020-3/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency company as an appellant’s opponent party in the Supreme Administrative Court in an administrative dispute relating to licensed business sector, 8/2021-3/2022: the Supreme Administrative Court’s Yearbook decision KHO:2022:33 by votes 3-2 whereby the Administrative Court’s decision, which was favorable to our client by votes 3-0, was overturned.

• Ratiolex advises a doctors’ clinic company in drafting and amending its Shareholders’ Agreement, 3/2022-

• Ratiolex acts as a liquidator of Finnish group of companies’ subsidiary company’s liquidation proceedings, 3/2022-.

• Ratiolex advises a franchisor of franchise chain in structuring its chain related company and contractual matters, 3/2022-.

• Ratiolex’s partner acted as an arbitrator in the FAI arbitration proceeding on a staffing sales service agreement dispute, 9/2021-3/2022.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute concerning demolition works of a paper mill against a Finnish energy corporation, 1/2022-2/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a construction consultancy company and a responsible site manager as the respondents in KSE 2013 related building contract dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 9/2020-2/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients so that 92% of the claimants’ claims were not amicably paid.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish limited liability company which operated in international clothing trade, 12/2021-2/2022.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish industrial holding, steel service and real estate business company as a seller in the sale of industry real estate, 2/2022-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in a sale of goods dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2021-2/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client so that 95% of the claimant’s claims were not paid.

• Ratiolex successfully represented GoGolf Finland Oy as a claimant and a redeemer in arbitration proceedings in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Limited Liability Companies Act concerning the right to squeeze-out and the redemption price of Oy Kurk Golf Ab’s minority shareholders’ shares, 4/2021-2/2022: the arbitral award was rendered on 11 February 2022 wherein the arbitral tribunal confirmed that the fair redemption price per minority shareholders’ share of Kurk Golf Ab was EUR 1.00 according to our client’s claims.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish financial company as a respondent in a procedural dispute relating to discovery and the production of documents in the District Court of Oulu, 2/2022-.

• Ratiolex represents a financial company which operated under the Finnish Act on Investment Services in an administrative dispute relating to penalty ordered by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority in the Supreme Administrative Court, 2/2022-.

• Ratiolex advised a roof panel company as a seller in 1.5 MEUR asset purchase M&A arrangement, 12/2021-1/2022.

• Ratiolex advises Finnish building and HVAC companies in international M&A and reinvestment arrangements, 1/2022-.

• Ratiolex represented one of the leading Finnish car import and resale group of companies as a respondent in the District Court of Helsinki in a sale of goods dispute, 4/2021-1/2022: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a prominent Finnish family office and its shareholder in company and contract law related asset arrangements, 1/2022-.

• Ratiolex advised the sellers of a software company in 1.8 MEUR share purchase and reinvestment M&A arrangement, 12/2021-1/2022.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish insurance and investment service provider limited liability company, 1/2021-1/2022.

• Ratiolex advised the sellers of a building automation company in 3.8 MEUR share purchase and reinvestment M&A arrangement, 12/2021-1/2022.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading golf equipment provider companies in Finland as a buyer in asset purchase M&A arrangement, 11/2021-1/2022.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a financial subsidiary of a Finnish listed company which operated under the Finnish Act on Investment Services in 7.2 MEUR confiscation for security proceedings in the District Court of Pohjanmaa, 11/2021-12/2021: the District Court’s judgment on 30 December 2021, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full and the state was obliged to pay our client’s legal costs in full.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish limited liability company which operated in international clothing trade, 12/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents an investment company as a claimant in 2.9 MEUR claim for damages related to directors’ liability in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a construction company as a claimant in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 12/2021-.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a debtor company’s directors’ liability matter, which was amicably settled by 0.265 MEUR sale and settlement agreement, 6/2021-11/2021.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading Finnish luxury car dealer companies in reviewing its general contractual conditions, 11/2021.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading golf business provider companies in Finland in share and asset purchase M&A arrangements, 11/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a defendant in criminal proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki concerning an alleged disclosure of a national secret, 10/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a parish as a respondent in a construction public procurement appeal matter in the Market Court of Finland, 2/2021-10/2021: the Market Court of Finland’s judgment on 22 October 2021, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading Finnish car import and resale group of companies in reviewing its general contractual conditions, 10/2021-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish wind turbines’ parts manufacturing limited liability company, 9/2020-10/2021.

• Ratiolex represents an appellant’s opponent party in precautionary measures proceedings in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 10/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a SPA and hotel operating company owned by foreign investors in a tenancy disagreement matter with a Finnish municipal, 10/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a real estate investor company as a respondent and counterclaimant in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 10/2020-10/2021: the District Court’s judgment on 6 October 2021, whereby all our client’s claims were accepted in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay legal costs of our client in full.

• Ratiolex succesfully represented a respondent in 1.4 MEUR precautionary measures proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki wherein the merits of the case relate to a Swiss company’s taxation and Swiss law, 2/2021-9/2021: the District Court’s decision on 15 September 2021, whereby our client’s opponent party’s application for the precautionary measure was dismissed and the District Court’s earlier rendered interim order on the precautionary measure was reversed.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish family office company in an international block trade arrangement concerning its majority shares in a Finnish publicly listed company, 8/2021-9/2021.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a software limited liability company, 6/2021-9/2021.

• Ratiolex represented an association of parishes of the biggest religious group in Finland as a respondent in construction contract related dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2020-8/2021: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a non-profit organization construction builder as a claimant in a dispute concerning General conditions for consulting KSE 2013 in an arbitration proceeding under the Rules for Expedited Arbitration of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, 8/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a right-of-occupancy association as a claimant in a dispute concerning liability of maintenance charges in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2021-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish car dealer company as a respondent in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa in a sale of goods dispute, 7/2021-8/2021: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a liquidator of three (3) different Finnish companies’ liquidation proceedings, 11/2020-7/2021.

• Ratiolex’s partner acts as an arbitrator in the FAI arbitration proceeding on a shareholders’ agreement and a share purchase agreement dispute, 7/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish company in structuring a joint venture in an internationally related construction arrangement, 7/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction limited liability company in a construction agreement dispute, 7/2021-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish corporation as a respondent in over MEUR 300 Share Purchase Agreement’s post M&A liability dispute in an arbitration proceeding under the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce which was conducted in English with three (3) arbitrators’ arbitral tribunal, 6/2021: claimant withdrew its claim, and the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company as a respondent in a sub construction contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2019-6/2021: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish group of companies in an employment termination dispute, 5/2021-6/2021: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a software limited liability company, 6/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish cleaning company as an employer as a respondent in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the board members of a Finnish company declared bankrupt in white collar criminal proceedings which concerned a gross dishonesty of debtor and a gross accounting offence in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2020-5/2021: the District Court’s judgment on 28 May 2021, whereby our clients’ rebuttal claims were accepted in full, the prosecutor’s charges and plaintiffs’ claims were dismissed and our clients’ legal fees were ordered to be paid by the state.

• Ratiolex represents a respondent in a sale of goods dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents one of the leading Finnish boat and yacht companies and sellers in liability matters relating to a sale of goods, 4/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a claimant in MEUR 1.5 property litigation in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 4/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction limited liability company in contractual and company law related arrangements relating to a minority shareholder’s shareholding and right of option matters, 4/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the largest housing companies in Finland as a respondent in a dispute concerning termination of a rental agreement of business premises in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2020-4/2021: the District Court’s judgment on 19 April 2021, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay legal costs of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish company as a major shareholder in a redemption arbitration proceeding in accordance with chapter 18 of the Limited Liability Companies Act, 4/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish corporation as a respondent in a Shareholders’ Agreement dispute of MEUR 14 under the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, 7/2020-4/2021: arbitral award was rendered on 9 April 2021 wherein our client’s claims were accepted and our client’s opponent party’s MEUR 14 claims were dismissed in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay the arbitrator’s and arbitration institute’s fees and costs in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a photography business limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute concerning schools’ photography in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 8/2020-4/2021: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client after the claimant dismissed its MEUR 0.215 claims.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading golf business provider companies in Finland in drafting a co-operation and precontract and changing the target company’s business form in a golf course’s M&A arrangement, 3/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a founder partner holding company of a private equity firm in management and ownership arrangements relating to the private equity parent and fund companies, 3/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a managing director of a Finnish subsidiary company of an international logistics company in criminal proceedings concerning confiscation for security and alleged aiding and abetting in illegal import in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2020-3/2021: the District Court’s judgment on 8 March 2021, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full, the prosecutor’s charges, confiscation for security and plaintiff’s claims were dismissed and our client’s legal fees were ordered to pay by the state in full.

• Ratiolex’s partner acts as an arbitrator in a redemption arbitration proceeding in accordance with chapter 18 of the Limited Liability Companies Act, 3/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a building material supplier company as a respondent in a dispute regarding sale of real estate and precautionary measures in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate agency company in a dispute regarding termination of a cooperation agreement, 2/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in contractual matters relating to concert tours, 2/2021-.

• Ratiolex represents a parish as a respondent in a construction public procurement appeal matter in the Market Court of Finland, 2/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a maintenance work company of aircrafts and helicopters in drafting an international service agreement, 2/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish steel service and real estate businesses corporation in an antitrust proceeding, 1/2021-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in a directed share issue and in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 1/2021.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading golf business provider companies in Finland in drafting a co-operation agreement with a Swedish company, 1/2021.

• Ratiolex’s partner acted as an arbitrator in the FAI arbitration proceeding on a shareholders’ agreement dispute, 6/2020-1/2021.

• Ratiolex represents a business management consultancy company in a co-operation agreement dispute, 1/2021-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction company in a construction project in Sweden, 1/2021-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the leading Finnish car import and resale group of companies as a respondent in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa wherein its former dealer companies and their owners had brought 1.2 MEUR and 0.8 MEUR claims under earlier Finnish General Motors’ dealership contract from 2005, 5/2019-12/2020: the District Court’s judgment on 18 December 2020, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted in full and our client’s opponent parties were obliged to pay our client’s legal fees and costs.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish family office operating in steel service and real estate businesses in corporate and contractual matters, 12/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish public listed company in directors’ liability matters, 12/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises an English commodities corporation in legal compliance matter relating to Finland, 12/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish event center company in a co-operation agreement disagreement, 12/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company as a respondent and a counterclaimant in a construction dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a person in charge of a bankrupt limited liability company in white collar criminal proceedings, 11/2020-.

• Ratiolex acts as a legal counsel of a Finnish heating plumbing ventilation and sanitation engineering work company in its business restructuring arrangements, 11/2020-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of an international IT limited liability company, 10/2019-10/2020.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a real estate agency company as a respondent in recovery proceedings of a bankruptcy estate, 10/2020.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of an industrial limited liability company, 5/2019-10/2020.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of one of the leading golf business provider companies in Finland in a operating and rental arrangement regarding a golf course located in the Southern Finland, 9/2020-10/2020.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the buyer in a business transfer M&A arrangement wherein the purchase of target assets was concluded by a NewCo, 9/2020-10/2020.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish construction company as a claimant and respondent of counterclaim in a foreign construction works dispute under the arbitration rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce wherein applicable governing rules relating to the merits were foreign, 10/2019-9/2020: 376 pages arbitral award was rendered on 30 September 2020 wherein our client’s claims were mostly accepted, our client’s opponent party’s MEUR 4 counterclaims were dismissed in full and our client’s opponent party was obliged to pay the arbitrator’s and arbitration institute’s fees and costs in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a doctors’ clinic company as a claimant in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Lapland, 9/2017-9/2020: the judgment on 21 September 2020, whereby our client’s claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex acts as a legal counsel of the buyers in a Finnish heating plumbing ventilation and sanitation engineering work company’s business transfer M&A arrangement, 9/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish subsidiary of a Chinese pharmaceutical corporation in company law related matters, 9/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a building consultant limited liability company as a respondent in a dispute concerning General conditions for consulting KSE 2013 in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 9/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a landlord as a claimant in a dispute concerning terminating the lease agreement of business premises in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2020-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented two real estate agency companies relating to licensed business sector in administrative proceedings in the Administrative Court of Hämeenlinna, 7/2019-8/2020: Administrative Court of Hämeenlinna’s decisions on 17 August 2020 wherein Regional State Administrative Agency’s decisions were set aside according to our clients’ claims.

• Ratiolex advises one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in evaluating legal effects of a stadium concert’s production related supply contracts, 8/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish franchisor belonging in an international franchise chain in debt collection and security arrangements against its ex-franchising entrepreneur relating to a franchising agreement, 6/2020-8/2020: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented Finnish limited liability companies in organizational change arrangements and related registrations of measures of execution, 6/2020–7/2020.

• Ratiolex acts as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company relating to legal issues concerning an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting and its execution, 7/2020-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a management consultancy limited liability company, 4/2020-7/2020.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company as a seller in an electrical engineering company’s M&A arrangement relating to option rights, 6/2020.

• Ratiolex represents four (4) Estonian companies and their person in charge in precautionary measures’ proceedings worth of MEUR 6.1 in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2020-.

• Ratiolex represented an owner of real estates as a claimant in a dispute concerning precautionary measures and occupancy of real estate in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 5/2020-6/2020: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a building consultant limited liability company as a respondent in a dispute concerning General conditions for consulting KSE 2013 in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2020-.

• Ratiolex acts as a legal advisor in a building project which shall be executed in Helsinki regarding company law issues, drafting shareholders’ agreements, establishing companies, and executing share issues, 6/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish franchisor belonging in an international franchise chain in debt collection and security arrangements, 6/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a bankruptcy estate in a dispute concerning recovery of assets, 6/2020-.

• Ratiolex represented a franchisee in an exit arrangement from a franchise chain agreement, 2/2020-6/2020.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish logistics limited liability company in a tax dispute, 5/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents a group of companies providing tax and legal services and its majority shareholders in a dispute worth MEUR 5.5 regarding redemption and breaches of a shareholders’ agreement, 5/2020-.

• Ratiolex represented an Irish investor in a disagreement regarding interpretation of funding terms of a Finnish company, 5/2020.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction limited liability company in drafting a minority shareholders’ agreement and in executing a directed share issue, 4/2020-.

• Ratiolex represents an Estonian investment company and its person in charge in precautionary measures’ proceedings worth of MEUR 11.9 in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish food industry company in a dispute regarding its production premises, 4/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish subsidiary of a Japanese corporation in company law related matters, 4/2020-.

• Ratiolex advised a person currently employed and another person formerly employed by a leading Finnish energy group company in official investigation regarding an aggravated subsidy fraud wherein charges were waived with regard to all respondents, 6/2019–3/2020.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish transportation company in execution of co-operation procedures and employees’ lay off matters, 3/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish hotel and restaurant business company in employees’ lay off matters, 3/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in analyzing contractual effects of coronavirus (COVID-19), 3/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a consult in a dispute regarding General conditions for consulting KSE 2013, 3/2020-.

• Ratiolex advised foreign investors in insolvency law issues relating to Finland, 2/2020.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish building product limited liability company as a seller in a dispute regarding sale of real estate, 2/2020-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in restructuring measures, caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), relating to international contractual arrangements, 2/2020.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction limited liability company in a demerger arrangement, 2/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises members of the Board of Directors of a Finnish limited liability company in official investigation, 2/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in company and contract law related arrangement, 2/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises majority shareholders of a Finnish limited liability company in redemption matter based on a shareholders’ agreement, 1/2020-.

• Ratiolex advised in a Finnish limited liability company’s asset purchase, 1/2020-.

• Ratiolex successfully advised a logistics company and its person in charge in official investigation, 4/2019-1/2020.

• Ratiolex advises a leading franchisor real estate agency in contractual matters, 1/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises a maintenance company of aircraft and helicopters in drafting an international agreement, 1/2020-.

• Ratiolex advises an IT company in company law related matters, 1/2020-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented respondents in a dispute concerning the nullity and complaint of a transaction in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 6/2018-12/2019: the judgment on 31 December 2019, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted, and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish telecommunication company as an appellant in a criminal procedure regarding infringement and misuse of trade secrets related damage claims in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 6/2018-12/2019: the judgment of the Court of Appeal on 31 December 2019, whereby our client’s appeal claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mainly paid by the opponent parties.

• Ratiolex represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in a cross-border dispute regarding contract interpretation, 12/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish limited liability company in company law related matters relating to a large-scale building project as well as in arranging and executing share issues, 12/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish transportation limited liability company in a contract dispute, 12/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises byers in customs clearance proceedings regarding a luxury yacht, 12/2019-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a real estate investment limited liability company as the appellant’s opponent party in a contractual dispute in the Court of Appeal of Helsinki, 7/2018-11/2019: the Court of Appeal’s judgment whereby our client’s rebuttals succeeded and the opponent party was obliged to compensate our client’s legal expenses.

• Ratiolex advises a builder in a legal matter relating to warranty repairs under the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 11/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a construction firm in a dispute relating to a housebuilding project and sale of real estate, 11/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company as a claimant in a foreign construction works dispute under the arbitration rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce wherein applicable governing rules relating to the merits are foreign, 10/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a construction company in a safety at work criminal trial in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 10/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 10/2019-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents persons in charge of a bankrupt limited liability company in white collar criminal proceedings, 10/2019-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a respondent in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 2/2019-10/2019: claimant amicably revoked all its claims against our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a person in charge, who was also a shareholder, of a bankrupt limited liability company in white collar criminal proceedings regarding an aggravated dishonesty by a debtor and an accounting offence in the Court of Appeal of Helsinki 12/2017-9/2019: the judgment of the Court of Appeal on 24 September 2019 whereby our client’s appeal claims were accepted and the prosecutor’s and bankruptcy estate’s counterappeals were rejected.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee and public administrator regarding the bankruptcy of a restaurant and catering business limited liability company, 4/2016-9/2019.

• Ratiolex advises the officers of a Finnish energy company in a state investigation procedure, 9/2019-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of digital production limited liability company, 8/2016-9/2019.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading Finnish car import and resale companies in pledge and mortgage related legal issues, 9/2019.

• Ratiolex represents sellers in a dispute regarding cancellation of sale of a flat and a claim for damages, 9/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish company operating in energy sector in a dispute concerning sale of goods with a Finnish production company, 8/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises Finnish and international investors in company law related matters and execution measures relating to Finland, 8/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents sellers in a dispute concerning sale of real estate, 8/2019-.

• Ratiolex represented a freight forwarding company in a dispute concerning an international contract of carriage and interpretation of the articles of CMR Convention, 1/2019-7/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish sales agent company in a sales representative agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2019-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing company as the appellant’s opponent party in a lease agreement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 10/2018-6/2019: the judgment on 28 June 2019, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims succeeded, and the legal costs of our client shall be mainly paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex advises an international company and an artist in a gambling casino related matter, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a maintenance work company of aircrafts and helicopters in an administrative investigation in Finland, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises an aviation business company in company law related matters and registrations in Finland, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish industry business company in financing related covenants and conversion matters, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2019-6/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of an optician shop limited liability company, 1/2019-6/2019.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate business limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2018-6/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish element factory in a liability for damages dispute, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish municipality in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish investor as a claimant in a lease agreement dispute in the District Court of Kanta-Häme, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 6/2019-.

• Ratiolex acted as a head legal counsel of a Finnish industrial corporation’s business transfer arrangements to a NewCo and a legal advisor for foreign companies in a cross-border M&A transaction, which was signed and closed on 20 May 2019, 12/2018-5/2019.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of an international lumber trading limited liability company, 5/2019-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a digital service provider limited liability company, 1/2019-5/2019.

• Ratiolex advises a Swiss company in a joint venture arrangement relating to one of the biggest sport leagues in Europe, 4/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish real estate investor in an approximately 5 MEUR corporate related matter, 4/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a housing company in a housing company law related dispute, 4/2019-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish event center company in a business premises lease agreement dispute, 11/2018-4/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing company as a claimant in a lease agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2018-3/2019: the judgment on 28 March 2019, whereby all our client’s claim succeeded and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a catering company as a claimant in a co-operation agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2019-3/2019: the judgment on 28 March 2019, whereby all our client’s claim succeeded and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Päijät-Häme, 3/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a plastic surgery clinic in a co-operation agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies in a contractual matter, 3/2019-.

• Ratiolex acts as a legal counsel in an M&A arrangement relating to an aviation business, 3/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish company in a share issuing and company law matters relating to its construction project, 3/2019-.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate consultancy limited liability company in a sales commission agreement dispute, 1/2019-3/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankruptcy estate as a claimant in a white-collar crime proceeding in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 5/2018-2/2019: the judgment on 27 February 2019, whereby our client’s MEUR 0.163 claim was accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish sports centers’ managing company in company and commercial law related dispute, 2/2019-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing company as a respondent in a lease agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2018-2/2019: the judgment on 4 February 2019, whereby all our client’s rebuttals succeeded and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a rent contract dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 2/2019-.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a digital service provider limited liability company, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a respondent in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate agency office in a dispute concerning its real estate agent’s breach of a non-competition and liquidated damages clause, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish real estate investment service company in liability issues relating to a post real estate M&A dispute, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies as respondent in recovery proceedings of a bankruptcy estate, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish resale company in a sales representative agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 11/2018-1/2019: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish catering company in a co-operation agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2019-.

• Ratiolex advised three different franchise entrepreneurs in disputes related to franchise agreements, 9/2018-12/2018: the matters were closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represents a Swedish insurance company as a guarantor in a dispute relating to security for the construction stage in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish accountant limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 12/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a housing company in a compensation for damages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 12/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish investor as a claimant in a compensation for damages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2018-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Vantaa, 4/2018-12/2018: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises an electrical engineering company and its shareholders in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 12/2018-.

• Ratiolex represented a freight forwarding company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2017-12/2018: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a seller in a real estate purchase dispute, 5/2018-12/2018: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a house managing agency company and its shareholders in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 11/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Swiss company in an enforcement procedure of an arbitral award in Finland against a Finnish party, 11/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics companies in the world in contract and corporate matters relating to Finland, 11/2018-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in an air traffic company’s insolvency related white collar criminal proceeding in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 3/2018-11/2018: the judgment on 8 November 2018, wherein after our client’s response, the prosecutor dropped his charges and the plaintiff waived all its claims towards our client and the legal costs of our client were covered by the state in full and our client won the case as in the District Court.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish limited liability company in the Finnish Supreme Court (VL:2018-86) in a precautionary measure dispute exceeding MEUR 22 wherein the merits shall be resolved in international arbitration proceedings in Germany, 10/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish golfing business company in its investment project, 10/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish branch of an international construction company in legal matters relating to a construction project of a nuclear power plant, 10/2018-.

• Ratiolex represented a franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2018-9/2018: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client as our client’s opponent party undertook to pay all our client’s claims relating to the merits of the case.

• Ratiolex represents a limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2018-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing company as a claimant in a lease agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2017-9/2018: the judgment on 7 September 2018, whereby all our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish transportation company in a service agreement dispute, 9/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute, 9/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a Danish company in a dispute concerning an international arbitral award’s nullifying proceeding, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish resale company in an international co-operation dispute, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish accountant limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish resale company in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Kanta-Häme, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish Construction company in a criminal proceeding in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a rent contract dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 8/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate agency company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 7/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a shareholder of a Finnish packing material business limited liability company in an international M&A arrangement, 7/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate agency company in an administrative proceeding in the Administrative Court of Hämeenlinna, 7/2018-.

• Ratiolex represent claimants in a housing company related dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2018-.

• Ratiolex represent respondents in a dispute concerning the nullity and complaint of a transaction in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 6/2018-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of an advertising agency limited liability company, 5/2018-6/2018: the matter was concluded by a composition.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a real estate investment company as a respondent and as a counterclaimant in approx. 0.4 MEUR contractual disputes in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2018-6/2018: the judgments on 21 June 2018, whereby our client’s rebuttals and counter-claims succeeded and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a company incorporated in Hong Kong as a respondent in two separate approx. 1.0 MEUR insolvency related recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2018-6/2018: the matters were closed by amicable negotiations in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish company in a 270 MEUR international refinancing and converting arrangement, 6/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises one of Finland’s leading building services consulting companies in a consultancy liability case, 6/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents appellants’ opponent party in an air traffic company’s insolvency related white collar criminal proceeding in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 6/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises international investors and consultants in a gas supply and power plant project, 5/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and directors’ liability and recovery dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 5/2018-.

• Ratiolex acts as a legal counsel in a shareholders’ general meeting of a Finnish corporation, 5/2018-.

• Ratiolex advised a real estate agency company in an administrative investigation in Finland, 5/2018.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish cleantech limited liability company in international financing and joint venture arrangement with Estonian and Russian companies, 4/2018-.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2016-4/2018: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish limited liability company in merger and demerger transactions, 4/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises an aviation business company in an administrative investigation in Finland, 4/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises a maintenance work company of the aircrafts in a co-operation agreement dispute, 3/2018-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish construction company as a respondent and counterclaimant in a contract dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 12/2016-3/2018: the judgment on 16 March 2018, whereby our clients’ opponent party’s all claims were dismissed and our client’s claims succeeded partly and the legal costs of our client shall be mostly paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represents a Swedish insurance company as a guarantor in a dispute relating to security for the construction stage in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish accountant limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 3/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a housing company in a compensation for damages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 3/2018-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in a share purchase dispute of a joint-stock property company in arbitration proceedings governed by the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI), 6/2017-3/2018: an arbitral award on 12 March 2018, whereby all of our client’s claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid mainly by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a real estate agency office as a respondent in a claim for damages dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 8/2016-3/2018: the judgment on 8 March 2018, whereby all our client’s rebuttals were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a ventilation maintenance and service provider limited liability company, 2/2018-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the leading taxi traffic companies in Finland as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2017-2/2018: the judgment on 20 February 2018, whereby all our client’s rebuttals were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented defendants in an air traffic company’s insolvency related white collar criminal proceeding in the District Court of Vantaa, 3/2017-2/2018: the judgment on 20 February 2018, whereby the prosecutor’s and plaintiff’s all claims were dismissed and legal costs of our clients were covered by the state.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish transportation company in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 2/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 2/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish transportation company as the appellant’s opponent party in a service agreement dispute in the Itä-Suomi Court of Appeals, 2/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish accountant limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 2/2018-.

• Ratiolex advises shareholders and persons in charge of Finnish and foreign corporations in domestic and international insolvency proceedings’ recovery matters, 1/2018-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish company and its shareholders in a 7,4 MEUR M&A arrangement with a Swedish exchange-listed company, 10/2017-1/2018.

• Ratiolex represents a real estate business limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2018-.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a golf courses’ maintenance and service provider limited liability company, 1/2018-.

• Ratiolex represents a leading Finnish hotel business chain company in a contractual dispute, 1/2018-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish timber business company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Pohjanmaa, 9/2017-12/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Swedish insurance company as a guarantor in a dispute relating to security for the construction stage in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2017-12/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 10/2017-12/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish consumer electronics retailer company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Karjala, 12/2017-.

• Ratiolex represented claimants in an action for annulment regarding decisions of an association in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 9/2017-12/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish construction company in a work safety offence pre-trial investigation, 12/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish retailer and import company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish limited liability company in precautionary measures proceedings relating to international arbitration proceedings in the District Court of Pohjanmaa, wherein the value of the dispute exceeds MEUR 22, 11/2017-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics companies in the world in corporate matters, 11/2017.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel for a Swiss company in an international financing and M&A arrangement between a Finnish, an Estonian and a Swiss company, 11/2017.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the appellant’s opponent parties in an M&A dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 6/2016-10/2017: the judgment on 30 October 2017, whereby our clients’ rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish company and its shareholders in M&A and financing arrangements with an Austrian company, 10/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish and a Dutch logistics company as respondents and counterclaimants in a contract and a breach of non-competition and confidentiality provisions dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2014-10/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish cleaning branch limited liability company in a breach of non-competition dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 10/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Tuusula, 10/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a doctors’ clinic company as a claimant in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Lapland, 9/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 9/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 9/2017-

• Ratiolex advised an Austrian company in drafting a shareholder’s agreement with a Finnish company, 9/2017.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish element factory in a work safety offence pre-trial investigation, 9/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a service sector limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2017-.

• Ratiolex represented a builder as a claimant in a construction contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2016-9/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a vehicles’ repairing company, 8/2015-9/2017.

• Ratiolex advised a foreign company in a share purchase related M&A arrangement of a Finnish company, 9/2017.

• Ratiolex advised Finnish investors in drafting a shareholders’ agreement relating to a joint venture arrangement with a Russian company, 9/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish real estate investment service company as a claimant in a sales commission agreement dispute and precautionary measures proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2017-9/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a transportation business limited liability company’s parent company, 6/2017-8/2017.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of transportation limited liability company, 7/2016-8/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute, 8/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a developer as a respondent in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2016-8/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics companies in contract matters, 8/2017.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish investor as a claimant in a liability for damages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2017-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish resale company in a service contract dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 6/2017-7/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented claimants in an action for annulment regarding decision of a housing company in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2016-6/2017: the judgment on 30 June 2017, whereby our clients’ all claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankrupt’s estate of a restaurant and catering business limited liability company as a claimant in an M&A dispute against an Italian purchaser in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2016-6/2017: the judgment on 27 June 2017, whereby our clients’ all claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a construction business limited liability company, 3/2017-6/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a leading Czech engineering company in a cross-border supply agreement dispute against a Finnish subsidiary of a British exchange-listed corporation, 6/2017.

• Ratiolex advised an international aviation business company in its business structuring arrangements, 6/2017.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish infrastructure and construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 6/2017-.

• Ratiolex represented a guarantor as a respondent in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2017-6/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish resale company as a respondent in a service contract dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 3/2017-6/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a design company in drafting a co-operation agreement with a Swedish company, 6/2017.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish accountant limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 6/2017-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of an IT business limited liability company, 3/2017-5/2017.

• Ratiolex advised one of Finland’s leading building services consulting companies in a consultancy liability case, 5/2017.

• Ratiolex advised a Norwegian interior decoration company in an administrative investigation in Finland, 5/2017.

• Ratiolex advises one of the world’s leading international engineering and marine industry corporations in a cross-border business structuration related to Finland, 5/2017-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the world’s leading real estate brokerage companies in drafting framework agreements, 5/2017.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in an employment termination and alleged salary due dispute, 2/2017-5/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in an international air freight agreement dispute, 5/2017.

• Ratiolex advised a maintenance work company of helicopters and aircraft in drafting a cross-border hangar agreement, 5/2017.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Danish exchange-listed corporation’s Finnish subsidiary as a respondent in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Espoo, 9/2015-5/2017: the judgment on 4 May 2017, whereby all our client’s rebuttals were accepted in full and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish investment banking advisory company as a claimant in a financing arrangement agreement dispute in arbitration proceedings governed by the Arbitration Rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI) wherein the relevant questions related to the production of documents and an arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction in addition to the questions relating to the merits, 4/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client as the opponent party paid our client’s claim relating to the merits.

• Ratiolex advised a Kenyan company in a cross-border service agreement dispute relating to Africa and the United Arab Emirates against a Finnish corporation 4/2017.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish construction company as a claimant in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2016-4/2017: the judgment on 7 April 2017, whereby our client’s claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mainly paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish resale company in a liability for damages dispute, 4/2017-.

• Ratiolex represents a developer as a claimant in a dispute regarding delivery and installation of the prefabricated units in the District Court of Espoo, 4/2017-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company as a claimant in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2016-3/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish restaurant and catering business company in an employment wages dispute, 3/2017-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT-company in drafting a shareholder’s agreement, 3/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a limited liability company as a claimant in a Finnish clothing trade limited liability company’s M&A dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2015-3/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in liability for damages dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 4/2015-3/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in a corporate matters, 2/2017.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a real estate related contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 12/2015-2/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents an Austrian company in cross-border consultancy agreements disputes in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, wherein the value of the dispute exceeds MEUR 21, 2/2017-.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate investment company in a cross-border insolvency matter in the District Court of Satakunta, wherein the value of the dispute exceeded MEUR 15, 1/2017-2/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate investment company in cross-border precautionary measures proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, wherein the value of the dispute exceeded MEUR 9, 1/2017-2/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented an international cosmetics business company in a subcontract related dispute, 12/2016-1/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a maintenance work company of the aircrafts in drafting a MOU with a Russian company, 1/2017.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish transportation company in a compliance procedure of the Regional State Administrative Agencies, 1/2017.

• Ratiolex represents a contractor as a claimant in a construction contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Tuusula, 1/2017-.

• Ratiolex advised a franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute, 11/2016-1/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the Turku Court of Appeals, 4/2016-1/2017: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 1/2017-.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish wholesale company in an employment termination dispute, 1/2017-,

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish IT-company in drafting a co-operation agreement with a Norwegian company, 1/2017-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankruptcy estate as a claimant in recovery proceedings against a listed bank in the District Court of Vantaa, 4/2016-12/2016: the judgment on 20 December 2016, whereby our client’s recovery claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceedings, 9/2016-12/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish reuse company in an employment wages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2016-12/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 13 December 2016.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Vantaa, 12/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an international oil business corporation’s Finnish subsidiary as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2016-12/2016: the decision on 7 December 2016, whereby all our client’s opponent party’s claims were dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in contract and corporate matters, 11/2016.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2015-11/2016: the judgment on 22 November 2016, whereby all our client’s rebuttals were accepted in full and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish telecommunication company as a plaintiff in a criminal procedure regarding infringement and misuse of trade secrets related damage claims in the District Court of Espoo, 11/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankruptcy estate as a claimant in insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and the directors’ liabilities, damages and recovery proceeding related dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 11/2014-11/2016: whereby the opponent parties were obliged to pay 0.25 MEUR to our client added with the interests and legal costs of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a purchaser in joint-stock property company’s M&A dispute, 6/2016-11/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a claimant in a cross-border transportation service dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 4/2016-11/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises an international franchising business company in drafting franchising agreements related to Finland, 11/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish oil business company in economic sanctions related contractual issues, 11/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised a media company in drafting a co-operation agreements, 10/2016.

• Ratiolex advises a buyer in an industrial real estate transaction, 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute, 12/2015-10/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in an insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and director’s liability dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 9/2016-10/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented developers as the claimants in a construction dispute in the District Court of Helsinki wherein the respondents were two contractors and construct consultant, 8/2015-9/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represents claimant in a liability for maintenance and damages dispute against a housing company in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2016-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish swimming school limited liability company, 10/2014-9/2016.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of construction limited liability company, 9/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 4/2016-9/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a travel industry company in a service contract dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 9/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish contraction company in drafting a subcontract agreement, 9/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish design company in drafting a co-operation agreement with a Swedish company, 9/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 6/2016-9/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the pay TV company, 6/2015-8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting convertible and credit limit loan agreements with Estonian companies, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A arrangement relating to the share purchase of a Russian company, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in an international contractual arrangement with a Finnish listed company, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish commercial aircraft operator company in a contractual arrangement with a Finnish listed company and a Finnish Sport Club, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in drafting agreements, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a vehicles’ maintenance work company, 9/2015-8/2016.

• Ratiolex represents a transportation company as a respondent in a criminal procedure relating to overworks in the District Court of Vantaa, 8/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a German transportation company in a transportation agreement dispute against a Finnish company, 5/2016-7/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of technology business limited liability company, 7/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised an international aviation business company in its business structuring arrangements, 6/2016-7/2016.

• Ratiolex represents a cleaning branch limited liability company in a safety at work criminal trial in the District Court of Pohjanmaa, 7/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the appellants’ opponent party in an agreement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 2/2015-6/2016: the judgment on 30 June 2016, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the District Court of Keski-Suomi, 4/2016-6/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 30 June 2016.

• Ratiolex represented the sellers as respondents and counterclaimants in an M&A dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 10/2014-6/2016: the judgment on 16 June 2016, whereby our clients’ opponent party’s all claims were dismissed and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency office as a claimant in a commission dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2014-6/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of motor vehicles’ supply and garage business limited liability company, 6/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the appellants’ opponent party in an agreement dispute in the Turku Court of Appeals, 5/2015-6/2016: the judgment on 9 June 2016, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent parties.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the shareholders of a Finnish janitorial service company in an M&A arrangement regarding a share purchase, 4/2016-6/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a housing company in a consultancy’s liability matter relating to the General conditions for consulting KSE 1995, 12/2015-5/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the shareholders of a Finnish dental business company in an M&A arrangement regarding a share purchase of millions euros, 2/2016-5/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a share issue, 4/2016-5/2016.

• Ratiolex advised one of the world’s leading manufacturers of glass and glazing systems in a sale transaction of an industrial real estate site of millions euros, 4/2016-5/2016.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a subcontract with an Azerbaijani company, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a developer as a respondent in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in an IT-service contract dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish property maintenance company in an M&A agreement dispute in the District Court Pirkanmaa, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a storage company in employment disputes in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish accountant limited liability company as a respondent in an employment wages dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa 9/2015-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi 9/2015-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a claimant in a transportation agreement dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 3/2016-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Swiss and a Finnish company in an international financing agreement dispute under English applicable law, 1/2016-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a letter of intent agreement relating to a joint venture arrangement with a Russian company, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting the agreements relating to the shares’ call options, 4/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex advised a maintenance work company of the aircrafts in drafting a co-operation agreement relating to the matters of a Nordic travel agency company’s aircraft, 3/2016.

• Ratiolex advised an international aviation business company in a managing director agreement dispute, 9/2015-3/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish construction limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa 10/2014-3/2016: judgment on 15 March 2016, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mainly paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represents three Finnish construction companies in a construction contract dispute, 3/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish foundation in a housing company law related liability issues, 3/2016-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in its shareholders’ general meeting, 3/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish marketing event limited liability company as a claimant and as a respondent of a counterclaim in an M&A preliminary agreement dispute in arbitration proceedings governed by the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI), 7/2015-3/2016: the arbitral award rendered on 3 March 2016 whereby our client’s claims succeeded mainly and response to the counterclaim succeeded in full.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-3/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish maintenance work company of helicopters and aircraft in a cross-border compliance report, 12/2015-2/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a respondent in an employment wages due dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised an American artist in performer agreement negotiations and international tax related issues, 12/2015-2/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in an international arrangement of 3 MEUR capital loan and in executing its corporate resolutions, 2/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish gold- and silversmith company chain in drafting a subcontract agreement, 2/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a cleaning branch company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 1/2016-2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the IT sales and importer limited liability company, 11/2015-2/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish clothing import and wholesale limited liability company in drafting an agency agreement with a German company, 2/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish janitorial service limited liability company, 4/2014-2/2016.

• Ratiolex represents a Russian majority shareholder of the large international corporation in a compliance procedure relating to Finland, 2/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish company in a claim for rent against an Austrian company, 11/2015-2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a housing company as a respondent in a compensation for damages in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Vantaa, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish transportation company in an employment dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction limited liability company in a service contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represent a Swiss company in service agreement dispute, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in company law related issues, 1/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a builder housing company as a claimant in consultancy’s liability dispute relating to the General conditions for consulting KSE 1995 in the District Court of Espoo, 4/2015-1/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish commercial aircraft operator company in an aircraft management agreement dispute with a company from the British Virgin Islands, 9/2015-1/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in contractual arrangement relating to its operations in Russia, 12/2015.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish logistic company in a compliance procedure of the Regional State Administrative Agencies, 12/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in an arrangement of 5 MEUR capital loan, 12/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a housing company as a builder in a construction contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 5/2015-12/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Swedish fashion house in the matters relating to Finnish company laws, 6/2015-11/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a company from United Arab Emirates in a consultancy agreement dispute, 6/2015-11/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation according to our client’s claims.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a business aircraft service agreement with a Luxembourgian business aviation company, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a directed share issue, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in a contractual arrangement with the U.S. Corporation, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency office as a claimant in a commission dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2015-11/2015: the judgment on 11 November 2015, whereby our client’s claims were accepted mainly.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish housing corporation in drafting amendments into the articles of association and in directed share issue arrangements, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex represents the principals in a construction contract and sale of prefabricated houses dispute, 11/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented a car dealer limited liability company as a respondent in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 10/2015-11/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the construction paint working company, 8/2015-10/2015.

• Ratiolex represents a sound system device dealer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 10/2015-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish chemical industry company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 7/2015-10/2015: the District Court confirmed a settlement whereby the claimant waive his claims in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish element factory limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 7/2015-10/2015: the District Court confirmed a settlement in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish consultancy limited liability company in drafting an employment agreement and a co-operation agreement, 10/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in an insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and directors’ liabilities dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 6/2015-10/2015: the District Court confirmed a settlement whereby the opponent party undertook to pay all our client’s claims on the merits and legal costs in full.

• Ratiolex advised a maintenance work company of the helicopters and aircrafts in the company and contractual law related matters, 10/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a 5.8 MEUR receivables sale and purchase agreement, 9/2015- 10/2015.

• Ratiolex advised the car dealer companies in drafting a shareholders’ agreement and the directors’ agreements, 10/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish housing fund’s active partner company in liability and competence issues regarding the sale of housing fund, 9/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in subsidiary loan dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2015-9/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a shareholder of the consortium in a dissolution of business dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 8/2014-9/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish commercial aircraft operator company in an aircraft management agreement dispute, 9/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT business company in a managing director agreement and shareholders’ agreement dispute, 9/2015.

• Representing sellers as the respondents in a real estate dispute in the District Court of Tuusula, 8/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the Finnish limited liability company as a buyer in a share purchase related an M&A arrangement, 8/2015.

• Advising a cleaning branch limited liability company in a safety at work dispute, 7/2015-.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 7/2015-.

• Advising a housing corporation in a housing corporation related dispute, 7/2015-.

• Representing a Finnish chemical industry company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 7/2015-.

• Representing a Finnish transportation company in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Pohjanmaa, 7/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in a contractual arrangement relating to the global frame service agreement with a listed Finnish industrial corporation, 7/2015.

• Representing a VoIP service provider and service operator employer limited liability company in the breach of non-competition and confidentiality obligation matters, 6/2015-.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the pay TV company, 6/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of Finnish investors in M&A transaction regarding entertainment industry company, 5/2015-6/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in an insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and outstanding loans dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2014-6/2015: the judgment on 8 June 2015, whereby all our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the maintenance and service company of lifts and escalators, 6/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company and a member of the board of directors as the respondents in a dispute regarding the redemption of shares and liability for damages in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2012-5/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency office in a second commission dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 4/2015-5/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in a claim for breach of non-competition dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 10/2014-5/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in a contractual arrangement relating to the multimodal freight forwarding service contract with a listed French industrial corporation, 5/2015.

• Representing a chairman of the board of directors of a cleaning branch limited liability company in an employment discrimination criminal trial in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a chairman of the shareholders’ general meeting of an international audio monitor products producer, 4/2015.

• Representing a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceeding in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2015-4/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant’s opponent party in a service agreement dispute in the Vaasa Court of Appeals, 1/2014-4/2015: the judgment on 15 April 2015, whereby our client’s demands mainly accepted and the opponent party shall pay compensation close to 400.000 euros to our client.

• Representing developer in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 4/2015-.

• Advising a Finnish technical importing company in a software supply agreement dispute, 4/2015-

• Representing a Finnish chemistry company in an employment termination dispute, 4/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a liability for damages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2015-4/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client 7.4.2015.

• Representing a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 4/2015-.

• Representing a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceeding in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised an employer limited liability company in an employment termination, 4/2015.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in drafting documents relating to the convertible loans, 3/2015-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 4/2014-3/2015: the judgment on 10 March 2015, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent parties in full.

• Advising an international franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute, 3/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 9/2014-3/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a housing company in a real estate agency office’s liability for damages dispute, 2/2015-3/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant party in a service agreement reimbursement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, wherein our client’s opponent party was a listed Finnish public company, 10/2013-2/2015: the judgment on 16 February 2015, whereby our client’s appeal was accepted, the District Court’s judgment was overruled and legal costs of our client shall mainly be paid by the opponent party both in the District Court and Court of Appeals.

• Representing a real estate agency office as a respondent in a claim for damages dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish freight forwarding company in co-operation agreement arrangement with an Estonian company, 1/2015.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company and its major shareholders in setting aside proceedings of the arbitral award in the District Court of Päijät-Häme, 1/2015-.

• Representing a Finnish IT-business company in Video On Demand software supply agreement dispute in the Court of Appeal of Itä-Suomi, 1/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the world’s leading manufacturers of glass and glazing systems in a sale and partly lease back transaction of industrial real estate site of millions of euros, 1/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish real estate investor in a real estate purchase and lease arrangements, 1/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish freight forwarding limited liability company and its bankruptcy estate as the respondents in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2014-12/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients as the opponent party dismissed all its claims against our clients.

• Representing a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 12/2014-.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2014-.

• Ratiolex represented a limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 10/2014-12/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in assets M&A arrangement, 12/2014.

• Representing a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceedings, 12/2014-.

• Representing a Finnish construction limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Keski-Suomi, 11/2014-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employer limited liability company as appellant’s opponent party in an employment termination dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 10/2013-11/2014: the judgment on 20 November 2014, whereby appellant’s appeal was dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish consultancy company as a claimant in a consultancy contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 12/2013-11/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client 19 November 2014.

• Acting as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing 0.2 MEUR share issues, 0.3 MEUR debt-for-equity swap and corporate resolutions, 11/2014-.

• Acting as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a 0.5 MEUR directed share issues and its corporate resolutions, 11/2014-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant’s opponent parties in administrative proceedings regarding the municipal council’s 3.9 MEUR loan decision in the Supreme Administrative Court, 11/2012-11/2014: the judgment on 6 November 2014, whereby the appellant’s appeal was dismissed and confirmed that council’s 3.9 MEUR loan resolution was unauthorized.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 2/2012-10/2014: all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an American-Romanian joint venture engineering industry company in the District Court of Pohjanmaa in an enforcement procedure of an arbitral award rendered in Switzerland under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) against a Finnish company, 8/2014-10/2014.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish swimming school limited liability company, 10/2014-.

• Advising an international franchising business company in drafting agreements, 9/2014-.

• Ratiolex represented principals as respondents in an earthwork construction contract dispute in the District Court of Keski-Suomi, 1/2014-9/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 12/2013-9/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the shareholders of three Finnish limited liability companies in an M&A arrangements regarding millions euros share purchase, 5/2014-9/2014.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish IT business consultancy limited liability company, 9/2014-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a directed share issues against and without payments, its loan arrangements and corporate resolutions as well as in drafting a shareholders’ agreement and amendments to the article of associations, 5/2014-8/2014.

• Ratiolex advised a doctor’s clinic chain trade in an employment related structuring, 8/2014.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish garage limited liability company, 6/2014-8/2014.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish design limited liability company, 4/2014-8/2014.

• Advising a licensee of the international brand in drafting an international sales representative agreement, 8/2014-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish mining service company in a sale of goods dispute, 3/2014-8/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Representing a Finnish IT business company and its major shareholders as claimants in a shareholders’ agreement dispute in an arbitration governed by the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, 8/2014-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish gym, 5/2014-8/2014.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the maintenance and service company of lifts and escalators, 3/2014-7/2014.

• Ratiolex advised a caravan business limited liability company in millions euros assets transaction, 7/2014.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company in a managing director’s agreement termination dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 7/2014-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 7/2014.

• Representing a Finnish transportation limited liability company in an employment claim dispute in the District Court of Päijät-Häme, 7/2014-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in an employment termination related mater, 7/2014.

• Representing an international guarantee insurance company in a project managing contract related dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 7/2014-.

• Ratiolex represented a municipal official as appellants’ opponent party in an employment discrimination trial in the Court of Appeal of Itä-Suomi, 3/2014-7/2014: whereby prosecutor’s appeal was partly dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall be partly paid by the state.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the construction company, 2/2013-7/2014.

• Advising a contractor in an earthwork construction dispute, 6/2014-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the Finnish carrier limited liability company in its restructuring and co-operation procedures, 5/2014-6-2014.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 2/2014-6/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex advised a Finland’s leading building services consulting company in a consultancy liability case, 6/2014.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish investment limited liability company as a claimant in a company law related dispute regarding the claims for damages, objection, performance and duty of redemption of shares in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2012-5/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in a civil dispute regarding employment contract in the District Court of Espoo, 1/2013-5/2014: the judgment on 12 May 2014, claim was dismissed and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employee in an employment termination dispute, 3/2014-5/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Representing a respondent in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Vantaa, 5/2014-.

• Representing a Finnish construction company in a civil dispute regarding international sale of goods, 5/2014-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Espoo, 6/2012-5/2014: the judgment on 7 May 2014, whereby our client’s claim was partly accepted and the opponent party shall be obliged to pay price reduction to our client.

• Advising a minority shareholder of the Finnish transportation company in an exit arrangement, 5/2014-.

• Advising a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in an asset-tripping, 5/2014-.

• Representing appellant’s opponent party in a contract dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 5/2014-.

• Representing an employer limited liability company as an appellant’s opponent party in an employment termination dispute in the Turku Court of Appeals, 5/2014-.

• Acting as a legal counsel of minority shareholders of a Finnish cylinder providers’ parent company in company law related issues, 4/2014-.

• Representing a limited liability company as an appellant’s opponent party in a sales representative contract dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 4/2014-.

• Ratiolex advised a leading Finnish sport club governed by a Finnish limited liability company in an UEFA license matter, 4/2014.

• Advising an international franchising business company in drafting a co-operation agreement, 4/2014-.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish greengrocer wholesale limited liability company, 4/2014-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented claimants in a real estate business dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 6/2012-4/2014: the judgment on 14 April 2014, whereby our client’s claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a buyer as a claimant in a real estate dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2013-4/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Representing a Finnish freight forwarding limited liability company as a respondent in a subcontract dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 4/2014-.

• Representing developers in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 3/2014-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a service agreement dispute in the District of Court of Espoo, 2/2014-3/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex represented the sellers as respondents in 2.2 million euros M&A dispute in an arbitration governed by the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, 6/2013-3/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients on 7 March 2014.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 2/2014-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 2/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish health care limited liability company in a company law related matter, 2/2014.

• Ratiolex represented a seller in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 6/2013-2/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 11 February 2014.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the construction company, 10/2013-2/2014.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 12/2012-2/2014: the judgment on 7 February 2014, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 12/2012-2/2014: the judgment on 3 February 2014, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the automobile import company, 11/2013-1/2014.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the housing company, 6/2013-1/2014.

• Ratiolex represented a respondent Finnish construction company as a main contractor in a bioenergy plant building subcontract disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2012-1/2014: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Advising the world’s leading manufacturer, installer and maintainer of elevator, escalator and moving walkways in a supply agreement disagreement, 1/2014-.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A arrangement, 1/2014-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of minority shareholder in drafting a shareholders’ agreement with a Finnish limited liability company, 1/2014.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting co-operation agreements, 1/2014.

• Acting as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a share issue against payment, 1/2014-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A arrangement of the real estate agency office, 1/2014.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a limited liability company as a respondent in a sales representative contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2011-1/2014: the judgment on 10 January 2014, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in a dispute concerning the infringement of the non-competition agreement, 1/2014-.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in an employment law related matter, 1/2014-.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in drafting minority and majority shareholders’ agreements, 12/2013-.

• Ratiolex advised a leading Finnish sport club governed by a Finnish limited liability company in a league license matter, 12/2013.

• Advising an international logistics company in employment law related issues, 12/2013-.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in drafting agreements, 12/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a possessive action dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 10/2013-12/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in an employment discrimination trial in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 7/2013-11/2013: the judgment on 15 November 2013, the prosecutor’s charges and plaintiff’s civil claims were dismissed as well as our client’s legal costs were mainly covered by the state.

• Representing a limited liability company in a dispute concerning the infringement of the non-competition agreement in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 11/2013-.

• Representing a Finnish construction company in a disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 11/2013-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting an employment agreement and a co-operation agreement, 11/2013.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company in an international franchising agreement dispute, 11/2013-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 1/2012-11/2013: the judgment on 5 November 2013, the claims were dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall mostly be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employee as appellant’s opponent party in an employment termination dispute in the Turku Court of Appeal, 1/2013-11/2013: the judgment on 4 November 2013, whereby appellant’s appeal was dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented an association and its person of charge in a white collar criminal case in the Court of Appeal of Kouvola, 5/2013-11/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 6/2012-10/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised an international organization in employment law related issues in Finland, 10/2013.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a leading Finnish sport club governed by a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 9/2011-10/2013: the judgment on 16 October 2013, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a limited liability company as a plaintiff in an embezzlement offence white collar criminal procedure in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 10/2013.

• Ratiolex successfully represented three Finnish investors in a 3.2 MEUR tax appeal case, 10/2013.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in providing its lien receivables of the sea cargo shipments in the bankruptcy of the Finnish publicly listed company, 9/2013-10/2013.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the music industry company, 1/2013-10/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a licensee of the international brand in drafting international supply and distribution agreements, 9/2013.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of an electrical engineering consulting limited liability company, 9/2013-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a building contract dispute, 6/2013-9/2013: the matter was closed by amicably negotiations.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a cleaning branch limited liability company, 6/2013-9/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish laundry trade chain in employment law related issues, 8/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a Danish exchange-listed corporation in employment law related issue in Finland, 8/2013.

• Acting as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in an international M&A: advising at an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting in share issues, in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, advising at the meetings of the board of directors as well as in drafting an amendments to the article of associations and the capital loan agreements, 8/2013-.

• Representing a Finnish construction limited liability company as a respondent in an employment dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 8/2013-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a shareholder in an M&A arrangement of a Finnish IT-business company, 8/2013.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2013-.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Päijät-Häme, 8/2013-.

• Ratiolex represented sellers in a real estate dispute, 4/2013-8/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented buyers in a real estate dispute, 6/2013-8/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represented a buyer in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods, 6/2013-8/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Representing a Finnish real estate agency office in a matter regarding an employment termination and the redemption of shares under a shareholders’ agreement, 7/2013-.

• Ratiolex represented a leading Finnish sport club governed by a Finnish limited liability company in a two sport law related arbitration proceedings, 5/2013-7/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish franchisee company in a dispute regarding franchising agreement and infringement of the non-competition obligation in the District Court of Helsinki and in in an ad hoc arbitration, 10/2012-6/2013: the matters were closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in a matter regarding an infringement of the TV rights, 6/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish real estate investor in a housing company law related matter, 6/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company in an employment dispute, 5/2013-6/2013: the matter was closed by amicably negotiations in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish advertising agency limited liability company in an employment law related matter, 6/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish franchisee company in structuring its business plan law related matter, 6/2013.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in a legal issues relating to international trade, 5/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a leading Finnish manufacturer and wholesale limited liability company in its field in a trademark issue, 5/2013.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 8/2012-5/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 22 May 2013.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a non-disclosure agreement and a co-operation agreement, 5/2013.

• Representing an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2013-.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in an infringement of the non-competition obligation, 5/2013-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a distribution agreement, 5/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish metal engineering limited liability company as a claimant in a dispute of share purchase of the joint-stock property company, 9/2011-5/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Advising a leading Finnish bicycles manufacturer and wholesale limited liability company in a matter regarding infringement of a licensing agreement, 5/2013-.

• Ratiolex advised a seller in a real estate business dispute, 10/2011-4/2013: the matter was closed by amicably negotiations in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a minority shareholder in a shareholders’ agreement with a Swedish company relating to an M&A arrangement of a Finnish IT-business company, 4/2013.

• Ratiolex advised the main shareholders of the Finnish housing company and acted as a chairman in the ordinary shareholders’ meeting in approximately 4 MEUR construction project issue, 4/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish lifting machine company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 9/2012-4/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised main shareholders of the Finnish importer limited liability company in a company law related disagreement issue and in drafting an exit-agreement, 4/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a retail trade limited liability company in infringement of trademark issue, 4/2013.

• Representing a buyer in a real estate dispute, 3/2013-.

• Representing an agribusiness enterprise as a claimant in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 3/2013-.

• Ratiolex acted a legal advisor of a Finnish party in drafting agreements with a Nasdaq listed US corporation, 3/2013.

• Ratiolex acted a legal advisor of a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a cooperation agreement with a Norwegian company, 3/2013.

• Representing an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 3/2013-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a franchising and cooperation agreement dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 11/2012-3/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Representing an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 3/2013-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented respondents in an employment dispute in the District Court of Keski-Suomi, 9/2012-3/2013: the judgment on 15 March 2013, whereby all our clients’ rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company as a principal in drafting a consultancy agreement with a Chinese company, 3/2013.

• Ratiolex advised a cleaning branch limited liability company in infringement of trademark, wherein our client’s the opponent party accepted amicable our client’s injunction claims, 2/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant Finnish construction limited liability company as a main contractor in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2013-2/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a share issue and drafting amendments into the articles of association, 2/2013.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a vendor’s legal due diligence relating to a construction project, 2/2013.

• Representing an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 1/2013-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company in a civil dispute regarding international sale of goods in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 8/2012-1/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Representing an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 1/2013-.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company’s Finnish branch in drafting agreements relating to its Finnish operations, 1/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company in a contract dispute, 1/2013.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish investment banking company as a claimant in a consultancy contract dispute in the arbitration proceeding in accordance with the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, 11/2012-1/2013: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish investment banking advisory service company as a respondent in two separate contract disputes in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2012-1/2013: the matters were closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented the principals in a construction contract and sale of prefabricated houses dispute, 8/2012-12/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients on 14 December 2012.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a contractor limited liability company in a building contract disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) 5/2012-12/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 13 December 2012.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the electricity company, 9/2012-12/2012.

• Representing a respondent in a cooperation agreement dispute in the arbitration proceeding in accordance with the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, 12/2012-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a directed share issue against payment and its related corporate resolutions, 12/2012.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish real estate agency office in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 12/2012.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 3/2012-12/2012: the Court of Appeals confirmed the parties’ settlement on 3 December 2012.

• Ratiolex acted a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the construction company, 9/2012-11/2012.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 11/2012-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in drafting a managing director agreement, 11/2012.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 6/2012-11/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in drafting franchising related co-operation agreements, 9/2012-11/2012.

• Ratiolex represented the principals in a construction contract and sale of prefabricated houses dispute, 8/2012-11/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in applying a tax advance information decision and in executing an M&A arrangement regarding a partial demerger and 5.5 MEUR share purchase, 5/2012-11/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in an infringement of trademark related matter, 11/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent of the main claim and as a claimant of the counterclaim in a dispute regarding the employment and claim for damages in the District Court of Keski-Suomi, 7/2012-11/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 6/2012-11/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international chemical industry companies in drafting an energy supply agreement, 10/2012.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish real estate business limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 10/2012.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a co-operation agreement with a Romanian company, 10/2012.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in a termination of an employment agreement dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi 1/2012-10/2012: the judgment on 30 October 2012, whereby our client’s claims succeeded and the legal costs of our client shall mostly be paid by the opponent party.

• Representing a limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 10/2012-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT-business limited liability company in contractual negotiations and in drafting a co-operation agreement, 10/2012.

• Ratiolex successfully represented several Finnish limited liability companies in giving an account of the permits to the Regional State Administrative Agencies which related to their competitor’s complaint, 6/2012-10/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a managing director and member of the board of directors in a large white collar criminal suspect regarding an aggravated tax fraud and false accounting relating to receipt sales conducted by construction companies, 10/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company in an employment dispute: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client, 9/2012-10/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a leading Finnish sports club limited liability company in a contract dispute: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client, 9/2012-10/2012.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the members of the municipal council in the administrative proceedings in the Administrative Court of Hämeenlinna, 3/2012-9/2012: the judgment on 26 September 2012, whereby the council’s an unauthorized 3.9 MEUR loan resolution was reversed.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the electricity company, 7/2012-9/2012.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish limited liability company in an insolvency related dispute in the Supreme Court (KKO 77:2012), 5/2011-9/2012: the judgment on 10 September 2012, whereby the judgments of the District Court and Court of Appeal were reversed and the matter shall be proceeded in the District Court.

• Ratiolex represented the principals in a construction contract dispute, 1/2012-9/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A dispute in the Court of Appeal of Vaasa, 9/2012-.

• Representing a Finnish real estate agency office in a contractual dispute, 8/2012-.

• Representing respondents in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2012-.

• Representing a limited liability company in a dispute concerning the infringement of the non-competition obligation in the District Court of Kemi-Tornio, 7/2012-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a co-operation agreement and a non-disclosure agreement with a Norwegian company, 7/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A related contractual liability dispute, 6/2012-7/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Advising a Finnish investment company in structuring a joint venture agreement with the English company relating to a Delaware corporation and the Cayman Islands fund partnership, 7/2012-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing corporation as appellant’s opponent party in a housing corporation related dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 1/2012-5/2012: the judgment on 25 May 2012, whereby appellant’s appeal was dismissed and our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and confirmed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 8/2011-5/2012: the judgment on 24 May 2012, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an international franchising business corporation’s Finnish franchisee in a franchising agreement dispute, 3/2012-5/2012: the matter was settled on terms highly favorable to our client.

• Acting as a legal counsel of an Estonian company and its Finnish shareholders in an international supply contractual arrangements regarding the sale of biofuel, 5/2012-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transport container supplier limited liability company in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods, 4/2012-5/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Advising one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in drafting a general offer terms and conditions, 5/2012-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company at an ordinary shareholders’ meeting, 5/2012.

• Advising the sellers in a cross-border M&A transaction regarding a Finnish wholesale business and trade company, 4/2012-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish IT-business limited liability company in contractual and company law related disagreement matters and in a white collar crime procedure in the District Court of Tuusula, 4/2010-4/2012: the matters were closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in a franchising agreement dispute, 4/2012-.

• Ratiolex represented an employee in an employment termination dispute, 3/2012-4/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 3/2012-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company in an employment dispute, 12/2011-3/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Representing a Finnish food industry maintenance service provider company in a company law disagreement and related white collar crime issue, 3/2012-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2011-3/2012: our client’s opponent party withdrew its claims and the opponent party was obliged to pay our client’s legal costs in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry company as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2010-3/2012: the judgment on 13 March 2012, whereby all our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex advised a Finland’s leading building services consulting company in a disagreement concerning liability for damages, 1/2012-3/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Advised a Finnish sale of goods limited liability company in drafting a co-operation agreement with an Estonian company, 3/2012-.

• Ratiolex represented a seller in a dispute regarding a purchase of real estate, 3/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Acting as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a managing director, employment, and shareholders’ agreements and in directed share issue arrangements, 3/2012-.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 3/2012-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a franchising agreement, 3/2012.

• Ratiolex advised an employer limited liability company in an employment termination, 3/2012.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish limited liability company as a claimant of the main claim and as a respondent of the counterclaim in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2011-2/2012: the matter was closed on 29 February 2012 by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a majority shareholder in a company law related disagreements and in redemption of the shares, 2/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Advising one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in its real estate premises related legal matters in Finland, 2/2012-.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a letter of intent agreement, 2/2012-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in a large white collar criminal procedure regarding a large scale fraud by front companies in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2011-2/2012: the judgment on 15 February 2012, the prosecutor’s prison charges against our client were dismissed and the legal costs of our client were covered by the state.

• Ratiolex advised an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 2/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company in a service agreement dispute, 8/2011-2/2012: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation on 9 February 2012 in favour of our client.

• Representing a building trade limited liability company as a claimant in a dispute concerning the subcontractor agreements in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2012-.

• Representing an employee in an employment termination dispute, 2/2012-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT-business limited liability company in contractual negotiations and in drafting a co-operation agreement, 2/2012.

• Advising a private individual in redemption of shares under an option agreement related disagreement issue, 2/2012-.

• Representing a buyer in a dispute regarding a housing trade, 1/2012-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in drafting a supply agreement, 1/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company in a company law related matters concerning shareholders’ agreement and shareholders’ meeting, 1/2012.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish wholesale and importer limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 1/2012.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company in a transportation agreement dispute with an Italian carrier company, 9/2011-12/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 21 December 2011.

• Ratiolex advised three Finnish limited liability companies in their reorganization arrangement, 12/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish distributor and importer limited liability company in drafting a distribution agreement with a Danish company, 12/2011.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international chemical industry companies in drafting a subcontract agreement, 11/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in a company law related disagreements and its shareholders’ in redemption of the shares, 8/2011-11/2011: the matters were closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represented an employee in an employment dispute, 10/2010-11/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in financing and share issuing arrangements, 11/2011.

• Ratiolex advised Finnish shareholders of the international company in a corporate resolution and shareholder’s agreement related execution issues, 11/2011.

• Ratiolex advised one of a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in drafting the lease agreements, 10/2011-11/2011.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing corporation as a respondent in a housing corporation related dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2011-11/2011: the judgment on 1 November 2011, whereby our client’s claims succeed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT-business limited liability company in contractual negotiations with a Swiss and a Norwegian public listed companies, 10/2011.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2011-10/2011: the District Court confirmed the parties’ settlement on 31 October 2011.

• Representing a contractor limited liability company in a building contract disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) 10/2011-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a contractor limited liability company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2010-10/2011: the judgment on 27 October 2011, whereby our client’s claims succeed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent company in full.

• Ratiolex represented an employee as a claimant in employment dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2010-10/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 25 October 2011.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a claimant in a co-operation dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 5/2011-10/2011: the District Court confirmed the parties’ settlement on 21 October 2011.

• Representing a limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 10/2011-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in employment dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 4/2011-10/2011: the judgment on 17 October 2011, whereby our client’s claims succeed mainly and the legal costs of our client shall mostly be paid by the opponent company.

• Representing the shareholders and their holding company in a corporate resolution and financing agreement related company law issues, 10/2011-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in a redemption of shares under a shareholders’ and financing agreement and company law related disagreement issue, 10/2011.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in service agreement reimbursement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki wherein our client’s opponent party was a listed German public company, 6/2010-10/2011: the judgment on 6 October 2011, whereby our client’s claim was accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in drafting franchising agreements related to Finland, 10/2011.

• Ratiolex represented claimants in a real estate business dispute in the District Court of Tuusula, 11/2010-9/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 26 September 2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish distributor and importer limited liability company in drafting a distribution agreement with an U.S. company, 9/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT-business limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 9/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a co-operation agreement, 9/2011.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a claimant in a compensation matter regarding the infringement of the confidentiality and non-competition obligations of an employment agreement, 11/2010-9/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 6 September 2011.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in an M&A dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Pohjanmaa, 9/2011-.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company as a claimant in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2011-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company at an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, in providing the decision to increase share capital on the basis of a share capital investment at the meetings of the board of directors and in planning an amendments to the article of associations, 8/2011.

• Ratiolex represented a car dealer limited liability company as a respondent in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Tuusula, 3/2011-8/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 25 August 2011.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 8/2011-.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 8/2011-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in contractual arrangement regarding the international distribution agreement, 8/2011.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international chemical industry companies in an employment matter regarding the infringement of the trade secrets and non-competition obligations, 8/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A arrangement regarding sale of one of the leading international real estate agency company’s Finnish branch, 6/2011-8/2011.

• Ratiolex succesfully represented a seller in a real estate business dispute, 4/2011-7/2011: our client’s opponent party withdrew its claims.

• Representing a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in a dealer agreement dispute, 7/2011-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in an insolvency related matter, 7/2011.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2011-6/2011: the District Court confirmed the parties’ settlement on 27 June 2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish retail trade limited liability company in drafting a framework supply agreement, 6/2011.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in employment dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 4/2010-6/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 13 June 2011.

• Ratiolex advised a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in drafting an addendum side letter warehousing agreement, 6/2011.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish health care business limited liability company in drafting share purchase agreements, 6/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in drafting a sea and air freight frame agreement, 5/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement and in directed share issue arrangements, 5/2011.

• Ratiolex represented an electricity contractor limited liability company in a contractor agreement dispute, 4/2011-5/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a buyer in a dispute regarding a real estate business trade, 3/2011-5/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a non-disclosure agreement, 5/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a co-operation agreement, 5/2011.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 5/2011-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in an international ad hoc arbitration under the Finnish Arbitration Act in a dispute concerning the employment termination and which was conducted in English, 3/2010-5/2011: the arbitral tribunal rendered its arbitral award on 13 May 2011 whereby our client’s claims succeed mainly and the legal costs of our client shall mostly be paid by the opponent company.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a principal in an international agent agreement dispute, 4/2011-5/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• A limited-liability company represented by Ratiolex was granted leave to
appeal (VL:2011-51) by the Supreme Court of Finland in a dispute concerning insolvency law, 5/2011.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in an insolvency related dispute in the District court of Pohjois-Savo, 1/2011-4/2011: the judgment on 20 April 2011, whereby our client’s claims succeed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 4/2011.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant Finnish limited liability company in a contractual dispute regarding renovation works in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2011-4/2011: the District Court of Helsinki confirmed a settlement on 5 April 2011 whereby the opponent party undertook to pay all our client’s claims on the merits.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a builder housing corporation as appellant’s opponent party in a building contract disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 7/2010-4/2011: the Helsinki Court of Appeals confirmed the settlement on 22 March 2011 in favour of our client and rendered a decision on 1 April 2011 ordering the opponent party to pay for our client’s legal costs.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant’s opponent party in a civil dispute regarding international consumer sale of goods in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 5/2009-3/2011: the judgment on 28 March 2011, whereby our client’s claims succeeded in full and the appellant’s appeal was dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall mostly be paid by the opponent party.

• Representing a claimant Finnish limited liability company in a compensation matter regarding the infringement of the employment agreement in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2011-.

• Ratiolex advised a retail trade limited liability company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 3/2011.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting an air cargo supply agreement with the company from Russia, 3/2011.

• Advising a shareholder of the limited liability company in a termination of the shareholder’s agreement, 2/2011-.

• Ratiolex succesfully represented a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in a dealer agreement dispute, 2/2011: our client’s opponent party withdrew its claims.

• Ratiolex succesfully represented a defendant Finnish limited liability company in a dispute regarding claims for damages, 2/2011: our client’s opponent party withdrew its claims.

• Ratiolex represented a respondent Finnish limited liability company in a contractual dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2011-2/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a buyer of share in a housing company in precontract dispute, 1/2011-2/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a personnel lease company in an employment disagreement in the District court of Helsinki, 10/2010- 2/2011: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client 11 February 2011.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company as appellant’s opponent party in the termination of an employment agreement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 7/2010-2/2011: the judgment on 8 February 2011, whereby our client’s claims succeeded and the appellant’s appeal was mainly dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall mostly be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish limited liability company in a disagreement regarding a letter of intent contract, 10/2010-2/2011: our client’s opponent party withdrew its claims.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a housing corporation claimant in a housing corporation related dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 12/2008-1/2011: the District Court of Espoo confirmed a settlement on 26 January 2011 whereby the opponent party undertook to pay all our client’s claims on the merits and legal costs with due interest in full.

• Ratiolex represented a consultant in a consultancy fee dispute in the Supreme Court of Finland, 7/2009-1/2011: the case resulted in a precedent issued by the Supreme Court of Finland.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish security business company in drafting a shareholders’ agreement, 1/2011.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of majority shareholders of a Finnish limited liability company in directed share issue arrangements, 11/2010-1/2011.

• Ratiolex represented a limited liability company as appellant’s opponent party in a contract dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 8/2009-12/2010: the judgment on 31 December 2010, whereby our client’s claims succeeded partly and the opponent party was obligated to pay compensations to our client under the contract.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant’s opponent party in the enforcement of an ad hoc arbitral award in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 5/2009-12/2010: the judgment on 28 December 2010, whereby appellant’s appeal was dismissed and our client’s enforcement claim was confirmed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Representing a claimant transport company in a subcontract related dispute in the District Court of Kymenlaakso, 12/2010-.

• Ratiolex represented an IT business limited liability company in civil dispute regarding appeal against judgment by default in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2010-12/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation on 15 December 2010 in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant limited liability company in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2010-12/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation on 15 December 2010 in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant limited liability company in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2010-12/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation on 10 December 2010 in favour of our client.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company in an IPR related disagreement matter, 12/2010-.

• Representing a claimant in a consultancy fee dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Pohjanmaa, 12/2010-.

• Ratiolex advised an IT business limited liability company in drafting service co-operation agreements, 11/2010-12/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a radiology industry limited liability company in drafting service co-operation agreements with private clinics, 11/2010.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a managing director and a member of the board of directors of a Finnish carrier limited liability company in criminal procedure regarding alleged work time violation in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2010: the judgment 4 November 2010, whereby the prosecutor’s charge was dismissed and our client’s legal costs were awarded to cover by the state.

• Ratiolex represented a vehicle sales limited liability company in the lease business premises debt collection, termination of the lease agreement and eviction of the lease premises, 10/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a leading Finnish bicycles importer and wholesale limited liability company in drafting a subcontract agreement, 10/2010.

• Representing a defendant in a large white collar criminal procedure regarding a gross fault accounting in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2010-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish promotion agent office limited liability company in drafting co-operation agreement 10/2010.

• Ratiolex represented an IT business company in a company name infringement matter, 10/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a company in an employment disagreement in the District court of Vantaa 6/2010-11/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 12 October 2010.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in drafting an international distribution agreement with the company from the U.S., 10/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company as a principal in drafting an international consultancy agreement, 10/2010.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of majority shareholders of a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a shareholder’s agreement 10/2010.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant limited liability company in a lease agreement dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 12/2009-10/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client for which the District Court confirmed by its decision on 6 October 2010.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in M&A transaction: in drafting amendments of the articles of association and the separate series of shares as well as follow through share issues arrangements, 9/2010-10/2010.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international chemical industry companies in drafting the lease agreements, 9/2010.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the employer limited liability company in a procedure relating to employee’s dismissal of the employment, 9/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a shareholder of a limited liability company in termination of the managing director’s agreement and share redemption disagreement, 9/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a contractor limited liability company in a procedure regarding a safety at work in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2010-8/2010: the judgment on 31 August 2010, the prosecutor’s charges were dismissed and our client’s legal costs were covered by the state in full.

• Ratiolex represented a contractor limited liability company in building contract dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 8/2009-8/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client on 27 August 2010.

• Ratiolex represented an employee in employment termination dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 5/2009-8/2010: the judgment on 10 August 2010, whereby our client’s claims succeeded and the opponent party was obligated to pay compensations to our client for unjustifiable employment termination.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish clothing agency limited liability company in drafting the lease agreement, 8/2010.

• Ratiolex represented an employee as appellant’s opponent party in employment termination dispute in the Kouvola Court of Appeals, 2/2010-7/2010: the judgment 7 July 2010, whereby our client’s claims succeeded partly and the opponent party was obligated to pay compensations to our client for unjustifiable employment termination.

• Ratiolex successfully represented several (13) buyers of a housing trade as appellant’s opponent party in a civil dispute regarding a financial fault of the housing trade in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 1/2010-7/2010: the judgment 2 July 2010, whereby appellant’s appeal was dismissed and our clients’ claim for price reduction was confirmed and the legal costs of our clients shall be fully paid by the opponent party.

• Representing a Finnish carrier limited liability company as appellant’s opponent party in termination of an employment agreement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 7/2010-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in directed share issue arrangement as well as in drafting shareholders’ agreement and amendments of the articles of association, 6/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish selling limited liability company in drafting sales representative agreement with a Mexican corporation, 6/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a majority shareholder and a limited liability company in drafting shareholders’ agreement, 6/2010.

• Ratiolex represented a department store merchant in employment disagreement, 3/2010-6/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the sellers in a dispute regarding a housing trade, 5/2010-6/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the management consultancy company, 3/2010-6/2010.

• Ratiolex represented successfully the sellers in real estate business dispute, 1/2010-5/2010: the opponent party dismissed all its claims against our clients.

• Representing an employee in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2010-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish Freight Watchers company in co-operation contract disagreements, 4/2010-5/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in claim for damages against a housing company in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2008-5/2010.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the employer limited liability company in procedure relating to dismissal of employment, 4/2010-5/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a clothing import and wholesale limited liability company in contractual arrangement regarding the international distribution agreement, 4/2010.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant contractor limited liability company in a cooperation agreement dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 1/2010-4/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 14 April 2010 in favour of our client.

• Representing a Finnish construction and mechanical business limited liability company in insolvency related dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 4/2010-.

• Ratiolex represented a registered association as a claimant in a contract disagreement in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2009-4/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 1 April 2010.

• Ratiolex represented successfully a housing corporation as a builder in a building contract disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2008-3/2010: the judgment 30 March 2010, whereby our client’s claim for price reduction was accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in fully.

• Representing a limited liability company in shareholder’s exit, 3/2010-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the Finnish limited liability company in company law related arrangements: executing a share issue without payments and against payments as well as in drafting and enforcing different share classes and amendments of the articles of association, 3/2010.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish carrier limited liability company as a respondent in termination of an employment agreement dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 12/2008-3/2010: the judgment 15 March 2010, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the Finnish limited liability companies in procedures relating to 4 MEUR share acquisition arrangements and 5 MEUR guarantee and debt arrangements, 3/2010.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant company in an employment termination dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 3/2009-3/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 5 March 2010 in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 8/2009-3/2010: the judgment 3 March 2010, whereby our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mostly paid by the defendant.

• Ratiolex represented a leading Finnish sports club limited liability company in employment matters, 3/2010.

• Ratiolex represented a contractor limited liability company in renovation contract dispute in the District Court of Tuusula, 12/2009-2/2010 the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 24 February 2010 in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a French winery company on Finnish market selling protection matters, 2/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in employment arrangements, 2/2010.

• Representing a claimant in service agreement reimbursement dispute in the District Court of Helsinki wherein the opponent party is a listed Finnish public company, 2/2010-.

• Ratiolex represented claimants in a dispute regarding a housing trade in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2009-2/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our clients when the opponent party real estate agent company undertook to pay amicable payment to our client.

• Ratiolex advised a food industry limited liability company in M&A transaction in drafting a share purchase agreement and shareholders’ agreement as well as executing corporate resolutions, 2/2010.

• Ratiolex advised a food industry limited liability company in drafting an agent agreement, 2/2010.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant limited liability company in contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 10/2009-2/2010: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 1 February 2010 in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in insurance compensation dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2009-1/2010.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the employer limited liability company in procedure relating to dismissal of the employment, 1/2010.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish wholesale and retail limited liability company in drafting its contractual terms, 1/2010.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a shareholder’s agreement and a share purchase agreement, 12/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction and mechanical business limited liability company in an insolvency related dispute in the District Court of Tampere, 9/2009-12/2009: the judgment 22 December 2009, whereby our client’s appeal claims were accepted partially.

• Ratiolex successfully represented employees in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 12/2008-12/2009: the judgment 15 December 2009, our client’s claims were accepted in full and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the defendant company.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an IT business company in contract disagreements in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2009-12/2009: the matter was closed 11 December 2009 by amicable in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in drafting an agent agreement, 12/2009.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish import and wholesale limited liability company in drafting distribution agreement for the purposes of trade in Russia, 11/2009-12/2009.

• Ratiolex advised a leading Finnish bicycles importer and wholesale limited liability company in drafting dealer agreement, 11/2009-12/2009.

• Ratiolex drafted the Confidentiality Agreements to a Finnish limited liability company for international small-scale enterprise M&A transaction, 12/2009.

• Representing a defendant limited liability company in tenancy dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 12/2009-.

• Ratiolex represented successfully an employee in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 10/2009-12/2009: the judgment 2 December 2009, whereby our client’s claims were accepted in fully and the employer defendant company was obligated to pay compensations to our client for unjustifiable employment termination and the legal costs of our client.

• Representing an employee in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2009-.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 6/2008-11/2009: the judgment 13 November 2009, whereby our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the defendant company in fully.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employee in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2008-11/2009: the judgment 12 November 2009, whereby our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the defendant company in full.

• Ratiolex represented a contractor limited liability company in a renovation contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2008-11/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 5 November 2009 in favour of our client when the adverse party construction company undertook to pay amicable payment to our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in a small-scale enterprise M&A transaction, 11/2009.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in drafting shareholders’ agreement and cooperation agreements of the limited liability company, 11/2009.

• Ratiolex advised one of the world’s leading international chemical industry company in drafting commercial contracts, 10/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant in a tenancy dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2009-10/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 30 October 2009 in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish clothing limited liability company in contractual and corporate matters where our client’s contracting party is among others an English listed company, 10/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish clothing import and wholesale limited liability company in drafting agency agreement with an Italian company for the purposes of trade in Russia, 10/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a landlord company in a tenancy dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2009-10/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client 8 October 2009.

• Ratiolex represented a contractor limited liability company in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2009-10/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client 6 October 2009.

• Ratiolex successfully represented several claimants (13) regarding the economic fault of the housing trade in a civil dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 5/2008-9/2009: the judgment 25 September 2009, whereby our client’s claims were accepted main parts and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the real estate developer defendant company in fully.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in a large criminal procedure in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2009: the judgment 25 December 2009, the prosecutor’s charges and plaintiff’s civil claims were dismissed as well as our client’s legal costs were covered by the state in fully.

• Ratiolex advised a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in drafting its contractual terms, 9/2009.

• Ratiolex served as a legal advisor of an employment limited liability company in procedure relating to dismissal of the employment, 9/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a vehicle sales limited liability company in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 9/2009.

• Ratiolex represented an employee in employment termination dispute in the District Court of Tuusula, 3/2009-9/2009.

• Ratiolex advised an international corporation in employment and intellectual property rights matters, 8/2009.

• Ratiolex advised a leading Finnish sports club limited liability company in drafting co-operation agreement 8/2009.

• Ratiolex advised an IT-business company in drafting shareholders’ agreement and trade name license agreement, 8/2009.

• Representing a registered association as claimant in a contract disagreement in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2009-.

• Ratiolex represented a former peacekeeper in service termination dispute in the Supreme Administrative Court, 12/2008-7/2009.

• Ratiolex represented one of the world’s leading international chemical industry companies in contract disagreement, 7/2009.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in directed share issue arrangement and drafting shareholders’ arrangement, 7/2009.

• Ratiolex advised freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in settlement negotiations regarding air freight agreements, 6/2009-7/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a limited liability company as claimant in ad hoc arbitration proceeding in dispute regarding M&A transaction, 5/2008-7/2009: the arbitrator issued an order for the termination of the arbitral proceedings as the parties failed to pay security for costs.

• Ratiolex advised a leading international freight forwarding and logistics limited liability company in transactions concerning the subcontracting and business assignments: drafted a letter of intent and transactions agreements, 6/2009.

• Ratiolex advised a clothing import and wholesale limited liability company in contractual arrangement regarding the international distribution agreement, 6/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a limited liability company in shareholder’s exit, 6/2009.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in share issue without payment and against payment as well as in drafting shareholders’ agreement and amendments of the articles of association, 5/2009-6/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant in a dispute relating to claim for damages against a housing company in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2008-6/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client 10 June 2009.

• Ratiolex represented claimants in a dispute regarding the faults of a housing trade in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2008-6/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our clients 9 June 2009.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish Freight Watchers company in contract disagreements, 5/2009-6/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant company in franchising agreement dispute in the arbitration proceeding in accordance with the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland, 9/2008-5/2009.

• Ratiolex represented successfully a limited liability company in contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2009-5/2009: the judgment 19.5.2009, our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mostly paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employee in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Kuopio, 7/2008-5/2009: the judgment 15.5.2009, our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mostly paid by the defendant.

• Ratiolex represented a kitchen fitments limited liability company in renovation and installation dispute, 4/2009-5/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented appellant’s opposite party in consultancy fee dispute in the Turku Court of Appeals, 4/2008-5/2009.

• Ratiolex successfully represented claimants in claim for damages against a housing company in the District Court of Tuusula, 11/2008-4/2009: the judgment 30.4.2009, our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the defendant in fully.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in civil dispute regarding international consumer sale of goods in the District Court of Espoo, 9/2008-4/2009: the judgment 28.4.2009, our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mostly paid by the defendant.

• Ratiolex represented a contractor limited liability company in a building contract dispute, 4/2009.

• Ratiolex represented successfully a clothing import and wholesale limited liability company in international contract disagreement, 2/2009-4/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a private individual in a large tax advisement case, 2/2009-4/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a subscriber in a disagreement relating to the contract of service, 3/2009-4/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a sales service company of the banking corporate in drafting shareholders’ agreement, 3/2009.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an employee in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 6/2008-3/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation 10.3.2009 in favour of our client.

• Represented a contractor limited liability company in a building contract disagreement relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) 2/2009-3/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex advised an employment limited liability company in a procedure relating to dismissals of the employments, 3/2009.

• Ratiolex successfully advised a cleaning branch limited liability company in infringement of trademark, 2/2009-3/2009: the opposite party accepted amicable our client’s injunction claims and paid our client’s legal costs.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the sellers in a disagreement regarding a housing trade, 12/2008-3/2009: the opponent party dismissed all its claims against our clients.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in the enforcement of an ad hoc arbitral award in the District Court of Espoo, 2/2008-2/2009: the judgment 26 February 2009, whereby all our client’s enforcement claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the defendant in fully.

• Ratiolex advised a borrower limited liability company in amendment process relating to 20 MEUR convertible loan agreements, 1/2009-2/2009.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2008-2/2009: the judgment 6 February 2009, claimant’s claims were mostly dismissed and legal costs of the defendant company shall be partly paid by the claimant.

• Representing a claimant in a consultancy fee dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2009-.

• Ratiolex advised an employer limited liability company in an employment dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2009: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a biotechnology company in drafting an Advisory Agreement relating to financing arrangements 1/2009.

• Ratiolex represented a buyer limited liability company in M&A transaction regarding wholesale business and trade, 10/2008-1/2009: drafted a binder, a share purchase agreement and the shareholders’ agreements.

• Ratiolex represented a vehicle sales limited liability company as defendant in civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2008-1/2009.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankruptcy estate as a claimant in recovery proceedings against a listed bank in the District Court of Vantaa, 4/2016-12/2016: the judgment on 20 December 2016, whereby our client’s recovery claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceedings, 9/2016-12/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish reuse company in an employment wages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2016-12/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 13 December 2016.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Vantaa, 12/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an international oil business corporation’s Finnish subsidiary as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2016-12/2016: the decision on 7 December 2016, whereby all our client’s opponent party’s claims were dismissed and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in contract and corporate matters, 11/2016.

• Ratiolex successfully represented one of the world’s leading record and music industry companies as a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2015-11/2016: the judgment on 22 November 2016, whereby all our client’s rebuttals were accepted in full and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish telecommunication company as a plaintiff in a criminal procedure regarding infringement and misuse of trade secrets related damage claims in the District Court of Espoo, 11/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankruptcy estate as a claimant in insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and the directors’ liabilities, damages and recovery proceeding related dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 11/2014-11/2016: whereby the opponent parties were obliged to pay 0.25 MEUR to our client added with the interests and legal costs of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a purchaser in joint-stock property company’s M&A dispute, 6/2016-11/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a claimant in a cross-border transportation service dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 4/2016-11/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advises an international franchising business company in drafting franchising agreements related to Finland, 11/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish oil business company in economic sanctions related contractual issues, 11/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute, 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised a media company in drafting a co-operation agreements, 10/2016.

• Ratiolex advises a buyer in an industrial real estate transaction, 10/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute, 12/2015-10/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in an insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and director’s liability dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 9/2016-10/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented developers as the claimants in a construction dispute in the District Court of Helsinki wherein the respondents were two contractors and construct consultant, 8/2015-9/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex represents claimant in a liability for maintenance and damages dispute against a housing company in the District Court of Helsinki, 9/2016-.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish swimming school limited liability company, 10/2014-9/2016.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of construction limited liability company, 9/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 4/2016-9/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a travel industry company in a service contract dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 9/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish contraction company in drafting a subcontract agreement, 9/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish design company in drafting a co-operation agreement with a Swedish company, 9/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 6/2016-9/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the pay TV company, 6/2015-8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting convertible and credit limit loan agreements with Estonian companies, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in an M&A arrangement relating to the share purchase of a Russian company, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of digital production limited liability company, 8/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in an international contractual arrangement with a Finnish listed company, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish commercial aircraft operator company in a contractual arrangement with a Finnish listed company and a Finnish Sport Club, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex advised an international franchising business company in drafting agreements, 8/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of a vehicles’ maintenance work company, 9/2015-8/2016.

• Ratiolex represents a transportation company as a respondent in a criminal procedure relating to overworks in the District Court of Vantaa, 8/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a German transportation company in a transportation agreement dispute against a Finnish company, 5/2016-7/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding a bankruptcy of technology business limited liability company, 7/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised an international aviation business company in its business structuring arrangements, 6/2016-7/2016.

• Ratiolex represents a cleaning branch limited liability company in a safety at work criminal trial in the District Court of Pohjanmaa, 7/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the appellants’ opponent party in an agreement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 2/2015-6/2016: the judgment on 30 June 2016, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish construction company in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the District Court of Keski-Suomi, 4/2016-6/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client on 30 June 2016.

• Ratiolex represented the sellers as respondents and counterclaimants in an M&A dispute in the District Court of Itä-Uusimaa, 10/2014-6/2016: the judgment on 16 June 2016, whereby our clients’ opponent party’s all claims were dismissed and the legal costs of our clients shall be paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency office as a claimant in a commission dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2014-6/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of motor vehicles’ supply and garage business limited liability company, 6/2016-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented the appellants’ opponent party in an agreement dispute in the Turku Court of Appeals, 5/2015-6/2016: the judgment on 9 June 2016, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent parties.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the shareholders of a Finnish janitorial service company in an M&A arrangement regarding a share purchase, 4/2016-6/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a housing company in a consultancy’s liability matter relating to the General conditions for consulting KSE 1995, 12/2015-5/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the shareholders of a Finnish dental business company in an M&A arrangement regarding a share purchase of millions euros, 2/2016-5/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a share issue, 4/2016-5/2016.

• Ratiolex advised one of the world’s leading manufacturers of glass and glazing systems in a sale transaction of an industrial real estate site of millions euros, 4/2016-5/2016.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a subcontract with an Azerbaijani company, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex acts as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a restaurant and catering business limited liability company, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a developer as a respondent in a building contract dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction company in an IT-service contract dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish property maintenance company in an M&A agreement dispute in the District Court Pirkanmaa, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a storage company in employment disputes in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish accountant limited liability company as a respondent in an employment wages dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa 9/2015-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi 9/2015-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a claimant in a transportation agreement dispute in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 3/2016-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Swiss and a Finnish company in an international financing agreement dispute under English applicable law, 1/2016-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our clients.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a letter of intent agreement relating to a joint venture arrangement with a Russian company, 4/2016-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting the agreements relating to the shares’ call options, 4/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-4/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex advised a maintenance work company of the aircrafts in drafting a co-operation agreement relating to the matters of a Nordic travel agency company’s aircraft, 3/2016.

• Ratiolex advised an international aviation business company in a managing director agreement dispute, 9/2015-3/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish construction limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination and employment wages dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa 10/2014-3/2016: judgment on 15 March 2016, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were mainly accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be mainly paid by the opponent party.

• Ratiolex represents three Finnish construction companies in a construction contract dispute, 3/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish foundation in a housing company law related liability issues, 3/2016-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in its shareholders’ general meeting, 3/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish marketing event limited liability company as a claimant and as a respondent of a counterclaim in an M&A preliminary agreement dispute in arbitration proceedings governed by the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI), 7/2015-3/2016: the arbitral award rendered on 3 March 2016 whereby our client’s claims succeeded mainly and response to the counterclaim succeeded in full.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-3/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish maintenance work company of helicopters and aircraft in a cross-border compliance report, 12/2015-2/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish transportation limited liability company as a respondent in an employment wages due dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised an American artist in performer agreement negotiations and international tax related issues, 12/2015-2/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in an international arrangement of 3 MEUR capital loan and in executing its corporate resolutions, 2/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish gold- and silversmith company chain in drafting a subcontract agreement, 2/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a cleaning branch company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 1/2016-2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the IT sales and importer limited liability company, 11/2015-2/2016.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish clothing import and wholesale limited liability company in drafting an agency agreement with a German company, 2/2016.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of a Finnish janitorial service limited liability company, 4/2014-2/2016.

• Ratiolex represents a Russian majority shareholder of the large international corporation in a compliance procedure relating to Finland, 2/2016-.

• Ratiolex represented a bankruptcy estate in a recovery proceedings in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish company in a claim for rent against an Austrian company, 11/2015-2/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a housing company as a respondent in a compensation for damages in the District Court of Helsinki, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998) in the District Court of Vantaa, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish transportation company in an employment dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish construction limited liability company in a service contract dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex represent a Swiss company in service agreement dispute, 1/2016-.

• Ratiolex advises one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in company law related issues, 1/2016.

• Ratiolex represented a builder housing company as a claimant in consultancy’s liability dispute relating to the General conditions for consulting KSE 1995 in the District Court of Espoo, 4/2015-1/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish commercial aircraft operator company in an aircraft management agreement dispute with a company from the British Virgin Islands, 9/2015-1/2016: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in contractual arrangement relating to its operations in Russia, 12/2015.

• Ratiolex advises a Finnish logistic company in a compliance procedure of the Regional State Administrative Agencies, 12/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in an arrangement of 5 MEUR capital loan, 12/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a housing company as a builder in a construction contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 5/2015-12/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Swedish fashion house in the matters relating to Finnish company laws, 6/2015-11/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a company from United Arab Emirates in a consultancy agreement dispute, 6/2015-11/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation according to our client’s claims.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a business aircraft service agreement with a Luxembourgian business aviation company, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish limited liability company in executing a directed share issue, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in a contractual arrangement with the U.S. Corporation, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency office as a claimant in a commission dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2015-11/2015: the judgment on 11 November 2015, whereby our client’s claims were accepted mainly.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of a Finnish housing corporation in drafting amendments into the articles of association and in directed share issue arrangements, 11/2015.

• Ratiolex represents the principals in a construction contract and sale of prefabricated houses dispute, 11/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented a car dealer limited liability company as a respondent in a civil dispute regarding sale of goods in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 10/2015-11/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex acted as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the construction paint working company, 8/2015-10/2015.

• Ratiolex represents a sound system device dealer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, 10/2015-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish chemical industry company as a respondent in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 7/2015-10/2015: the District Court confirmed a settlement whereby the claimant waive his claims in full.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a Finnish element factory limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 7/2015-10/2015: the District Court confirmed a settlement in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish consultancy limited liability company in drafting an employment agreement and a co-operation agreement, 10/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in an insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and directors’ liabilities dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 6/2015-10/2015: the District Court confirmed a settlement whereby the opponent party undertook to pay all our client’s claims on the merits and legal costs in full.

• Ratiolex advised a maintenance work company of the helicopters and aircrafts in the company and contractual law related matters, 10/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish limited liability company in drafting a 5.8 MEUR receivables sale and purchase agreement, 9/2015- 10/2015.

• Ratiolex advised the car dealer companies in drafting a shareholders’ agreement and the directors’ agreements, 10/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish housing fund’s active partner company in liability and competence issues regarding the sale of housing fund, 9/2015.

• Ratiolex represented a bankrupt’s estate as a claimant in subsidiary loan dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2015-9/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a shareholder of the consortium in a dissolution of business dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 8/2014-9/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represents a Finnish commercial aircraft operator company in an aircraft management agreement dispute, 9/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish IT business company in a managing director agreement and shareholders’ agreement dispute, 9/2015.

• Representing sellers as the respondents in a real estate dispute in the District Court of Tuusula, 8/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the Finnish limited liability company as a buyer in a share purchase related an M&A arrangement, 8/2015.

• Advising a cleaning branch limited liability company in a safety at work dispute, 7/2015-.

• Representing an employer limited liability company in an employment termination dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, 7/2015-.

• Advising a housing corporation in a housing corporation related dispute, 7/2015-.

• Representing a Finnish chemical industry company in an employment termination dispute in the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, 7/2015-.

• Representing a Finnish transportation company in a service agreement dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Pohjanmaa, 7/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in a contractual arrangement relating to the global frame service agreement with a listed Finnish industrial corporation, 7/2015.

• Representing a VoIP service provider and service operator employer limited liability company in the breach of non-competition and confidentiality obligation matters, 6/2015-.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the pay TV company, 6/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of Finnish investors in M&A transaction regarding entertainment industry company, 5/2015-6/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in an insolvency related precautionary measures proceedings and outstanding loans dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 11/2014-6/2015: the judgment on 8 June 2015, whereby all our client’s claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent party in full.

• Acting as a bankruptcy trustee regarding the bankruptcy of the maintenance and service company of lifts and escalators, 6/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish limited liability company and a member of the board of directors as the respondents in a dispute regarding the redemption of shares and liability for damages in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2012-5/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation.

• Ratiolex represented a real estate agency office in a second commission dispute in the District Court of Espoo, 4/2015-5/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company in a claim for breach of non-competition dispute in the District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa, 10/2014-5/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex advised one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics company in a contractual arrangement relating to the multimodal freight forwarding service contract with a listed French industrial corporation, 5/2015.

• Representing a chairman of the board of directors of a cleaning branch limited liability company in an employment discrimination criminal trial in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2015-.

• Ratiolex acted as a chairman of the shareholders’ general meeting of an international audio monitor products producer, 4/2015.

• Representing a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceeding in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2015-4/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant’s opponent party in a service agreement dispute in the Vaasa Court of Appeals, 1/2014-4/2015: the judgment on 15 April 2015, whereby our client’s demands mainly accepted and the opponent party shall pay compensation close to 400.000 euros to our client.

• Representing developer in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 4/2015-.

• Advising a Finnish technical importing company in a software supply agreement dispute, 4/2015-

• Representing a Finnish chemistry company in an employment termination dispute, 4/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a liability for damages dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 3/2015-4/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client 7.4.2015.

• Representing a Finnish construction limited liability company in a contract dispute relating to the General Conditions for Building Contracts (YSE 1998), 4/2015-.

• Representing a bankruptcy estate in recovery proceeding in the District Court of Helsinki, 4/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised an employer limited liability company in an employment termination, 4/2015.

• Advising a Finnish limited liability company in drafting documents relating to the convertible loans, 3/2015-.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a respondent in a contract dispute in the District Court of Pirkanmaa, 4/2014-3/2015: the judgment on 10 March 2015, whereby our client’s rebuttal claims were accepted and the legal costs of our client shall be paid by the opponent parties in full.

• Advising an international franchising business company in a franchising agreement dispute, 3/2015-.

• Ratiolex represented an employer limited liability company as a respondent in an employment dispute in the District Court of Etelä-Savo, 9/2014-3/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex represented a housing company in a real estate agency office’s liability for damages dispute, 2/2015-3/2015: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favor of our client.

• Ratiolex successfully represented an appellant party in a service agreement reimbursement dispute in the Helsinki Court of Appeals, wherein our client’s opponent party was a listed Finnish public company, 10/2013-2/2015: the judgment on 16 February 2015, whereby our client’s appeal was accepted, the District Court’s judgment was overruled and legal costs of our client shall mainly be paid by the opponent party both in the District Court and Court of Appeals.

• Representing a real estate agency office as a respondent in a claim for damages dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 2/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish freight forwarding company in co-operation agreement arrangement with an Estonian company, 1/2015.

• Representing a Finnish limited liability company and its major shareholders in setting aside proceedings of the arbitral award in the District Court of Päijät-Häme, 1/2015-.

• Representing a Finnish IT-business company in Video On Demand software supply agreement dispute in the Court of Appeal of Itä-Suomi, 1/2015-.

• Ratiolex advised one of the world’s leading manufacturers of glass and glazing systems in a sale and partly lease back transaction of industrial real estate site of millions of euros, 1/2015.

• Ratiolex advised a Finnish real estate investor in a real estate purchase and lease arrangements, 1/2015.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in a large white collar criminal procedure regarding a large scale fraud by front companies in the District Court of Helsinki, 12/2005-11/2006: the judgment became valid 27 December 2006, the prosecutor’s prison charges relating to our client were dismissed and party and legal costs were covered by the state.

• Ratiolex represented an international construction company in a building contract dispute, 12/2006.

• Ratiolex represented an international VOIP tele-operator company in drafting its contractual terms, 11/2006-12/2006.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a leading Finnish importer and retailer company of tires and rims as well as another defendant company in a civil dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 5/2006-11/2006: the judgment became valid 28 November 2006, all claimant’s claims were dismissed and all party and legal costs of our clients’ companies shall be paid by the claimant company in full.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant in a criminal procedure in the District Court of Kuusamo, 11/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a plaintiff in a criminal procedure in the District Court of Helsinki regarding the case of robbery, 1/2006-11/2006.

• Ratiolex drafted general purchase and order contractual terms for a leading Finnish merchandising and logistics company, 10/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a Finnish freight watchers company in a civil dispute in the District Court of Vantaa, 9/2006-10/2006: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented many plaintiffs in a criminal procedure in the District Court of Helsinki regarding the suit and dress fraud case which appeared in publicity, 1/2006-10/2006.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel for a Finnish limited liability company and a British limited liability company by negotiating and tailoring a financing arrangement and a share purchase, 9/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a contractor in a building contract dispute, 9/2006.

• Ratiolex represented claimants in a civil dispute procedure in the District Court of Espoo regarding a housing trade, 4/2006-9/2006: the matter was closed 9/2006 by amicable negotiation whereby our clients were awarded 73.5 % of the claimed amount/sum.

• Ratiolex drafted employment agreement templates and advised on labor issues a tires retailer company, 9/2006.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel of the buyer candidates in purchase of shares of the tires retailer company, 8/2006: drafted the share purchase agreements, drafted and executed corporate resolutions, drafted a shareholders’ agreement.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant in a criminal procedure in the District Court of Helsinki, 8/2006.

• Ratiolex drafted general contractual terms for a personal computer support service limited liability company, 8/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a defendant company in renting of a business dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 7/2006-8/2006.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a claimant in a housing lease dispute in the District Court of Helsinki, 6/2006-7/2006: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation according to our client’s claims.

• Ratiolex drafted a Supply Framework Agreement in English to a leading Finnish merchandising and logistics company for the purposes of trade in Eastern European countries, 6/2006.

• Ratiolex served as a legal advisor of an international mobile entertainment service company in M&A transaction, 5/2006-6/2006: conducted due diligence examinations, negotiated and drafted acquisition documents.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a franchising dispute case, 2/2006-6/2006: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation in favour of our client.

• Ratiolex represented an entertainment company in a trademark issue, 5/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a plaintiff in a criminal procedure in the District Court of Helsinki regarding a claim for damages, 5/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a leading Finnish motor sport events company in the District Court of Vantaa regarding a claim for damages, 4/2006-5/2006.

• Ratiolex drafted employment agreement templates for a Finnish freight watchers company, 4/2006.

• Ratiolex represented an international mobile entertainment service company in drafting a managing director agreement in English, 4/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a private individual in a large tax advisement case, 3/2006-4/2006.

• Ratiolex represented a claimant in a civil procedure in the District Court of Helsinki regarding a matter of housing lease, 2/2006-4/2006: the matter was closed by amicable negotiation whereby our client was awarded 80 % of the claimed amount/sum.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in M&A transactions regarding the restaurant companies, 2/2006-3/2006: accomplished a limited due diligence, drafted the business trade and financial documents and applied all necessary licensees from authorities.

• Ratiolex acted as a legal counsel in drafting issues of the share purchase agreement, shareholders’ agreement and director’s agreement, 2/2006: assignment issued by the leading Finnish housing lease and investment company.

• Ratiolex represented plaintiffs in a complaint offence and action for damages in a criminal procedure in the District Court of Helsinki, 2/2006.

• Ratiolex successfully represented a defendant in a large criminal procedure in the District Court of Hyvinkää, 1/2006-2/2006: the judgment became valid 7 February 2006, the entire prosecutor’s prison charges and all on the behalf of plaintiff’s civil claims were dismissed and all party and legal costs were covered by the state in full.

• Ratiolex represented in a administrative procedure in state Provisional Office of southern Finland and in a related criminal procedure, 1/2006.